10 Reasons You Need Red Meat!

Roast beef cooked under high heat
Roast beef cooked under high heat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At the end of the prolonged study there were no signs of any nutritional deficiency, including vitamin C found in raw, red meats.

  (Pork, "the other white meat," so called by the National Pork Board for an advertising campaign to overcome indoctrination of the public against red meat in favor of chicken and turkey, was recently approved for a 150° drop in the recommended cooking temperature. The new US Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines allow 1450° F as measured on a food thermometer, with a three-minute rest time, as a "safe final internal cooking temperature." Chapter 10 of Eatin' After Eden – The Meat of the Word, presents serious scientific, and scriptural arguments explaining why that may not be the case after all.)

  Often toddlers and young children will eat tender beef when they won't touch other meats. We alternate these nutrient-dense treats at lunch as our main meal: beef, including liver, chicken, cold water fish, turkey, lamb when available, and sometimes meatless main meals using complementary protein. Wild game (non-scavenger) is enjoyable and healthy eating as well. Breakfast usually includes eggs with cheese or grass-fed beef sausage without nitrates or sugar.

  Additionally, this book explains a great deal about each of the ten reasons listed below for enjoying grass-fed, red meat a couple times per week. This book is a good starting place if you are considering vegetarianism or veganism, about which there are two powerful chapters! Except for the first two items, this listing is not in order of importance.
Top quality, complete protein
Here is the 10:
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