The strange religion of vaccine worship

 Nearly half of all Democrat voters backed measures requiring 'the unvaccinated' to live, at least temporarily, in detention facilities

By David Kupelian

Connecticut Army National Guard Sgt. 1st Class Sara Landon prepares COVID-19 vaccine doses April 1, 2021, in Morton Hall Gymnasium at Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, Connecticut. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tristan B. Lotz)

It wasn't until right after the little girl had received her third and final pertussis vaccine shot that all hell broke loose.

One of five children in a Christian homeschooling family this writer knows well, the child suffered an extreme and life-altering reaction to the common childhood vaccine. Today, many years later, her family's life has largely revolved around taking care of this unfortunate daughter, confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak, her life decimated by a "required" vaccine shot.

In 1986, prompted by ever-increasing numbers of vaccine disaster cases like the once just cited – and more to the point, in order to halt the trend of drug manufacturers abandoning the vaccine business altogether due to the huge judgments courts were awarding victims of their products – Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.


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