World Health Organization officially confesses COVID shots CAUSE monkeypox

 Report confirmed ‘admission’ is buried deep on the WHO’s Vigiaccess web page. Among the known side effects of the use of Pfizer’s BioNTech vaccine, WHO now lists monkeypox, smallpox, and cow pox, along with a long list of additional threats

By Bob Unruh

COVID-19, that modified bat virus first spotted near a Chinese research institute that was toying around with those dangerous pathogens, undoubtedly was and remains a threat to many people.

But the shots that the world’s pharmaceuticals created to battle it also have been found to be related to heart diseases and failures as well as a multitude of other health threats.

Now even the World Health Organization, that bureaucracy that worked with China first to conceal the threat, then demanded entire populations be forced to take the experimental COVID shots, has admitted that they are problematic.

To the point they now are being blamed for creating a side effect: “Monkeypox.”

It is Slay News that revealed the admission by the WHO, a part of the United Nations.

The report confirmed the “admission” is buried deep on the WHO’s Vigiaccess web page.

Among the “known” side effects of the use of Pfizer’s BioNTech vaccine, WHO now lists “monkeypox,” “smallpox,” and “cow pox.”

Along with a long list of additional threats.

“The website contains a database that lists all known side effects of all drugs and vaccines that have been approved for public use,” the report said.

The report adds, “They are listed under ‘infections and infestations’ that emerge as ‘side effects’ of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.”

The report noted the website was working when the report was assembled, “However, a swift cover-up usually ensues when we draw attention to such things.”

The site noted it earlier reported a renowned German physician confirmed at the time the monkeypox “outbreak” was a hoax and it was just side effects from the COVID mRNA treatments delivered to patients.

It was Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg who said reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” was just “fearmongering.”

The report continued, “These bombshell developments emerged after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made a shocking admission about the monkeypox “vaccines.” As Slay News reported, the FDA quietly admitted that people who are unvaccinated for monkeypox could face “serious complications,” including “death,” if they come into “close contact” with those who have been vaccinated for the virus.”

It said, “Alarmingly, those risks are not limited to those who receive the shots as the side effects can also be suffered by unvaccinated people who have “physical contact” with the vaccinated.”


NIH ‘FOIA Lady’ who taught Fauci adviser how to ‘make emails disappear’ will plead the Fifth to House COVID subpoena

 By Josh Christenson

A National Institutes of Health (NIH) public liaison for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests — who taught a senior adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci how to “make emails disappear” — is refusing to testify before a House committee investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an Aug. 5 letter signed by her lawyers, Margaret Moore informed the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that she would plead the Fifth Amendment and her right against self-incrimination — but was still handed a subpoena on Monday to testify about the potential records violations.

“Instead of using NIH’s FOIA office to provide the transparency and accountability that the American people deserve, it appears that ‘FOIA Lady’ Margaret Moore assisted efforts to evade federal record keeping laws,” said Committee Chairman Brad Wenstrup in a statement.

“Her alleged scheme to help NIH officials delete COVID-19 records and use their personal emails to avoid FOIA is appalling and deserves a thorough investigation.”

Dr. David Morens is sworn in during a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing on Capitol Hill on May 22, 2024 in Washington, DC.
The former NIH FOIA public liaison is accused of teaching David Morens, a senior adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, how to “make emails disappear.”

Moore’s attorneys William Vigen and Ronald Jacobs, who specialize in government investigations and white-collar criminal defense, in their August letter said their client has helped the committee in other ways.

“Ms. Moore has cooperated with the Select Subcommittee through counsel to find an alternative to her sitting for an interview, including expediting her own FOIA request for her own documents, which she provided to the Select Subcommittee voluntarily,” the lawyers wrote.

The 35-year veteran of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a subagency of the NIH, at one time served as a special assistant to Fauci and allegedly helped conceal information that may have been critical to uncovering the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House Chief Medical Advisor and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, attends an event with First Lady Jill Biden to urge Americans to get vaccinated ahead of the holiday season, during a COVID-19 virtual event with AARP in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC, December 9, 2022.
Moore was a 35-year veteran of the NIAID, a subagency of the NIH, and at one time served as a special assistant to Fauci.AFP via Getty Images

Dr. David Morens, a former NIAID senior adviser to Fauci, bragged about using a private email account to evade FOIA requests and deleting records that were sought with some “tricks” that Moore taught him.

“[I] learned from our foia [sic] lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d [sic] but before the search starts,” he wrote in a Feb. 24, 2021, email sent from his private Gmail account. “Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail [sic].”

“We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn’t put them in emails and if we found them we’d delete them,” Morens also said a June 16, 2020.


Meet the people suing Ozempic maker for wrecking their bodies: 'I will never eat solid food again'

 On Your Health Today Online, we have discussed this product before and have featured a healthy alternative to Ozempic: The Magic of Berberine. A more important read is How to Follow a Healthy, Biblical Diet as God has told us what to eat!

What you are about to read is very alarming about how Ozempic can harm the body greatly.

 Cassidy Morrison Senior Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Hundreds of Americans have jumped on a multi-state lawsuit alleging that the makers of Ozempic and Mounjaro caused them life-altering injuries. 

The suit was filed against Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly, the two pharma giants that have raked in billions thanks to the blockbuster weight-loss meds.

Ohio native and grandmother of seven Dana Filmore can no longer eat solid foods and has to blend her meals. Louisville’s Jacqueline Barber threw up so much she became dangerously malnourished. 

Hundreds of Americans have jumped on a multi-state lawsuit alleging that the makers of Ozempic and Mounjaro caused them life-altering injuries. 

The suit was filed against Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly, the two pharma giants that have raked in billions thanks to the blockbuster weight-loss meds.

Ohio native and grandmother of seven Dana Filmore can no longer eat solid foods and has to blend her meals. Louisville’s Jacqueline Barber threw up so much she became dangerously malnourished. 

Dana Filmore of Columbus, Ohio, now subsists on a diet of protein shakes and Jell-O. Her stomach paralysis tied to Ozempic prevents her from eating solid foods

Dana Filmore of Columbus, Ohio, now subsists on a diet of protein shakes and Jell-O. Her stomach paralysis tied to Ozempic prevents her from eating solid foods.

Dana Filmore, a 55-year-old diabetic, was uncomfortable with the prospect of having to stick herself with a needle every week when her doctor suggested she try Ozempic to manage her type 2 diabetes.

For about two years, the medicine did what it was approved to do – lower her blood sugar levels. But in the last six months that she was on it, the severe nausea kicked in. It gradually worsened, and she had to burn through her vacation time to recuperate.

It got to a point where she became scared to eat solid foods, because a few bites would send her to the bathroom.

She told USA Today: ‘The solids are really difficult on me. My body just rejects it.’

She was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis, or paralysis of the stomach. 

Would you still consider using Ozempic despite knowing the risks?YesNo

It causes muscle contractions in the stomach to become too weak to digest food and pass it along to the intestines, causing food to stay in the stomach for longer than it should.

When the stomach does release the food, rather than doing so gradually in a steady manner, the stomach empties in larger, unprocessed bursts, causing chaotic diarrhea.

Mrs Filmore, who has had to excuse herself mere minutes after starting a meal, said: ‘You never know what will set it off.’

It has even disrupted her 35-minute commute to her job, where she manages a team of technicians at a mechanical company.

She said: ‘Halfway to work, I have to stop into a restaurant or to a gas station. My stomach doesn’t give me that long to really decide where I'm going to go.’

Her diet now consists mostly of protein shakes and Jell-O. It’s the only meal plan that keeps her from running to the bathroom.

In Louisville, Kentucky, Jacqueline Barber, another plaintiff in the case, has also been diagnosed with gastroparesis that threatened her life.

She was prescribed Ozempic for her type 2 diabetes in 2021, but spent every night for over a year sleeping on the couch next to a garbage can to manage her uncontrollable vomiting.

The 48-year-old said: ‘To lay on the couch and throw up nonstop, can't hardly make it to walk, go anywhere, it's very depressing.’

Alls she could keep down were peanuts, peanut butter crackers, and peanut butter cookies.

‘I ended up losing 140 pounds. I was down to around 87 pounds, couldn't walk or get around, couldn't get off the couch. Nobody knew what was going on. No one put the two together.’


What Three Vaccines in Ten Minutes Can do to You: 23-Year-Old Christian at UCI Medical Center Fights for Her Life

 By Jennifer Rae Vliet

Alexis Lorenze, a traveled from Florida to SoCal and found herself having to receive multiple vaccines before she could receive treatment for a rare blood disorder that she was diagnosed with earlier this year. Her diagnosis of PNH (Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, disease) needed to be proved as she sought out a continuation of care with a new doctor in Orange County. The assisting doctor at the UCI Medical Center in Irvine California pressured Miss Lorenze stating that in order to receive the treatments and blood transfusions needed, she would have to receive a slew of vaccinations. There is a little bit of a discrepancy on what she was in fact given however, it seems like she was given vaccinations for meningitis, pneumonia, and tetanus according to a nurse initially questioned by the family. Then when the family pushed for the medical records, she had also received a hemophilia vaccine. All shots were given one right after the other and within 10 minutes, she was fighting for her life. Consequently, when a tetanus is administered, as @talia_likeItIs stated on Instagram who is covering Alexis's story, "it is not a solo tetanus but a 3 in 1 TDAP as there hasn't been a solo one in years!" This includes two additional vaccines on top of tetanus...she also received the diphtheria and pertussis compounds.

The ironic thing is that her younger sister spoke about how in elementary school she received scheduled vaccinations and when a child in her class had suffered a stroke the family had decided that is it with the vaccines and filed for a religious exemption from any future vaccinations. Alexis, when she was able to speak earlier in the day prior to her symptoms worsening, said she felt pressured and did not appreciate how treatment for her blood disorder was held over her head. This is yet one more story of, "you can only have x y and z if you get the vaccine". Her sister stated at bedside how she asked the doctor how he/she could give such an already immune compromised human all of these vaccines. The doctor would not associate one thing wrong with Alexis to the onslaught of poison they had given her.

Lorenze immediately began having massive swelling and bruising which had begun to encompass her entire body and suffered sudden blindness in both of her eyes as well. Viewer discretion is advised when viewing the content below. Her symptoms have not been limited to those just mentioned.

If things couldn't get any crazier, not only is Alexis being neglected at the UCI facility and laughed at by doctors saying she is a "science experiment" but they have dismissed any potential credence of a reaction to any of the vaccines and says she is suffering from PARVO!

Late this afternoon, Alexis was awaiting a transport ambulance to a nearby facility they have not named for privacies sake where a team of doctors are ready to receive her, aware of what is going on and ready to do their best to save her. Her advocate is a well-known nurse, "Nurse Angela" who arrived today as she had just heard of Alexis' horrifying condition brought on just yesterday.  Angela Wulbrecht is a registered nurse who is also featured in the EpochTV documentary, "The Unseen Crisis".

Thankfully as well, Alexis' story is gaining some traction and CHD-TV | Childrens Health Defense organization has stepped in. They are updating everyone on how she is doing and most importantly, encouraging Alexis albeit through her discomfort, to keep her fighting spirit and to know there are a great number of people who are praying for her and willing to help. There is also a donation account set up for her medical bills which is posted below. Watch Alexis' vaccine injury plight through CHD-TV by clicking the picture below and you can view the two latest Instagram stories, read the comments, and hopefully take a moment to pray for a miracle for this young innocent woman.

View Discretion is advised...

If you would like to contribute to Alexi's fund, click here. 

Why Magnesium May Protect Against DNA Damage

 Dr. Eric Berg

It’s well known that magnesium is an essential mineral needed for optimal muscle function, restful sleep, bone health, and energy production. However, magnesium may play a much more profound role in overall health. 

Emerging evidence suggests that magnesium helps protect DNA, which can reduce the risk of premature aging and serious health issues, including Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and diabetes.

These findings highlight the importance of addressing magnesium deficiencies through dietary changes or supplementation as a key strategy in preventing major health issues. 

Cells and DNA rendering

Is magnesium the key to health and longevity?   

Groundbreaking evidence published in the European Journal of Nutrition suggests that magnesium may significantly reduce the risk of DNA damage and chronic degenerative disorders. 

The study analyzed blood samples from middle-aged adults and found a strong inverse association between blood magnesium levels and DNA damage biomarkers. 

This indicates that higher blood magnesium levels may protect from DNA strand breaks and mutations, helping preserve genetic integrity and reduce the risk of disease and accelerated aging.

The authors summarized, “Plasma magnesium level was independently and inversely associated with DNA damage biomarkers even after adjusting for covariates such as gender and age. This indicates that higher magnesium levels in the blood may protect the genome from endogenous genotoxic events.”

Magnesium's role in preventing DNA damage

Magnesium is essential for countless cellular and metabolic pathways, and more than 600 enzymes require it as a cofactor. 

A magnesium deficiency can disrupt these biochemical pathways, increasing the risk of poor cellular functioning and improper DNA repair, highlighting magnesium's critical role in maintaining genomic stability. 

In addition, magnesium is essential for mitochondrial function and energy production. Low magnesium levels affect mitochondrial health, which can lead to an increased production of reactive oxygen species within cells. These highly unstable metabolic by-products can cause oxidative damage to cellular organelles and genetic material.

Over time, DNA damage can accumulate and begin to disrupt normal cellular functions, linked to an elevated risk of cancer and age-related disorders.

Magnesium deficiency: a hidden health crisis? 

Research published in Advances in Nutrition declares magnesium a shortfall nutrient as more than 50 percent of Americans don’t consume enough magnesium-rich foods to maintain healthy levels. 

In addition, it’s estimated that only around 35 percent of dietary magnesium is absorbed, making it challenging to sustain optimal magnesium stores even for individuals who regularly consume magnesium-rich foods. 

This widespread risk of deficiency may contribute to a greater incidence of chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. 

Implications for chronic disease prevention

Addressing magnesium deficiency through dietary adjustments and supplementation may be crucial in promoting optimal cellular function and mitigating the risks of chronic diseases. 

By prioritizing magnesium-rich foods, you can potentially help protect your genetic material from damage and promote healthy aging.

Some of the best dietary sources of magnesium include:

  • Leafy green vegetables 
  • Nuts 
  • Seeds 
  • Avocados 
  • Dark chocolate
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel 

Grains such as rice, wheat, oats, and buckwheat are also often recommended as valuable sources of magnesium. 

However, grains contain phytic acid, a compound classified as an antinutrient, as it can bind to magnesium and other essential minerals. This significantly reduces magnesium absorption and contributes to deficiency. 

Factors such as aging, gastrointestinal disorders, and using medications such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), antacids, or diuretics can also increase the risk of magnesium deficiency despite adequate dietary intake.

Why the right magnesium supplement matters

Magnesium supplementation can offer a convenient way to address and prevent deficiencies, thereby promoting cellular health and potentially reducing the risk of DNA damage and associated health problems. 

Unfortunately, not all magnesium supplements are created equal, and certain elemental forms of this mineral are more effective and better absorbed than others. 

Magnesium glycinate, threonate, and orotate are among the best types of magnesium as they are highly bioavailable and have a lower risk of side effects.

In contrast, magnesium carbonate, oxide, and hydroxide are poorly absorbed and linked to an increased risk of adverse effects, including diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.



Man, 34, fitted with first of its kind ‘bionic hand’ that he can move ‘simply by thinking’

 A man who lost his left hand is now able to open jars, close a zip and use a screwdriver easily, thanks to a world-first magnetically controlled prosthetic hand.

By Rebecca Whittaker For Mailonline

The first-of-it’s-kind bionic limb uses tiny implanted magnets in the forearm, which respond to the amputee’s brain signals, to allow them to finely control the movements of a prosthetic.

An Italian research from the BioRobotics Institute developed the robotic hand that converts signals from six magnets implanted in the remaining arm to generate fine dexterous movements. 

The bionic hand was take for a successful tested drive by 34-year-old Daniel who used the prosthesis for six weeks and described it ‘like moving my own hand’. 

It works by placing magnets, measuring a few millimetres in size, in muscles in the forearm that previously helped control the now- severed hand.

By moving theses muscles, an amputee like Daniel can send magnetic signals to a special computer program that translates them to precise movements of the robotic hand.

This allows him to perform fine movements similar to that of a flesh-and-blood equivalent. 

‘There are 20 muscles in the forearm and many of them control the hand movements,’ said Professor Christian Cipriani, at the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

‘Many people who have lost a hand keep on feeling it as if it is still in place and the residual muscles move in response to the commands from the brain.’

Daniel, who lost his left hand in 2022, was selected as a volunteer for the study because he still felt the presence of his hand.

Residual muscles in his arm continued to respond to his brain signals.

In April 2023, he underwent surgery to implant six magnets in his arm.

For each one, the team of surgeons located and isolated the specific muscle they wanted the magnet to respond to and then mapped this pattern with the computer program. 

The results of the experiment went far beyond the most optimistic expectations.


The Health Bennies of Castor Oil


Castor Oil Benefits for Skin, Hair, Constipation and More

By Jillian Levy, CHHC

Castor oil - Dr. Axe
For centuries, at the first sign of illness, many parents and grandparents would immediately turn to giving their children castor oil, either topically or internally, to naturally boost immune function and speed up healing.

Folk healers worldwide have also used it to treat a wide variety of health conditions for thousands of years. For example, the reputed benefits of castor oil goes as far back as the ancient Egyptians, who used it to treat eye irritations and as a powerful natural skin care remedy.

It also has deep roots in India, where it’s considered to be a skin-healing, digestive-soothing, antibacterial ingredient that is utilized in Ayurvedic medicine.

What is castor oil used for today? As explained more below, it has natural stimulant laxative properties; has been shown to boost lymphatic, circulatory and immune health; and can help treat constipation, arthritis and more.

What Is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is a non-volatile fatty oil that is derived from the seeds of the castor bean (Ricinus communis) plant, aka castor seeds. The castor oil plant belongs to the flowering spurge family called Euphorbiaceae and is mainly cultivated in Africa, South America and India (India accounts for over 90% of castor oil exports globally).

Castor is one of the oldest cultivated crops, but interestingly it contributes to only 0.15 percent of the vegetable oil produced in the world each year. This oil is also sometimes called ricinus oil.

It’s very thick with a color that ranges from clear to amber or somewhat green. It’s both used topically on the skin and taken by mouth (it has a mild scent and taste).

Studies suggest that many of castor oil’s benefits come down to its chemical composition. It’s classified as a type of triglyceride fatty acid, and almost 90 percent of its fatty acid content is a specific and rare compound called ricinoleic acid.

Ricinoleic acid is not found in many other plants or substances, making the castor plant unique since it’s a concentrated source.

Aside from its primary constituent, ricinoleic acid, castor oil also contains other beneficial salts and esters that mainly act as skin-conditioning agents. This is why, according to a report published in the International Journal of Toxicology, this oil is used in over 700 cosmetic products and counting.

Research studies have found that castor oil contains therapeutic components including fatty acids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, terpenoids and phytosterols. These various compounds give the oil the following properties and potential health benefits:

  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antioxidant
  • Hepatoprotective (ability to prevent damage to the liver)
  • Free radical scavenging
  • Wound-healing

Compounds found in castor can help stabilize the texture and consistency of products, which is why castor oil is used in so many cosmetics, hair and skincare treatments.

Reports show that this oil can be safely taken internally. When swallowed, it’s hydrolyzed in the small intestine by pancreatic enzymes, leading to the release of glycerol and ricinoleic acid, along with other beneficial metabolites.


1. Improves Immune Function

One of the major reasons castor oil has strong immune-enhancing effects is because it supports the body’s lymphatic system. The most significant role of the lymphatic system, which is spread throughout the whole body in small tubular structures, is that it absorbs and removes excess fluids, proteins and waste materials from our cells.

Castor oil may be able to help improve lymphatic drainage, blood flow, thymus gland health and other immune system functions.

For this reason, the oil and other parts of the castor plant have been used in traditional systems of medicine for the following health conditions:

  • Abdominal disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Backache
  • Constipation
  • Muscle aches
  • Parasitic infections
  • Chronic headaches
  • Gallbladder pain
  • PMS
  • Rheumatism
  • Sleep problems like insomnia

A small, double-blind study published in the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine found that adults who used abdominal castor oil packs on their abdomens had significant increases in the production of lymphocytes compared with patients using placebo packs. Lymphocytes are the immune system’s natural “disease-fighters” that attack outside invaders such as toxins, bacteria and other perceived threats.

The lymphatic system also impacts the circulatory and digestive systems, which is why the oil is sometimes used to support heart health and resolve issues like constipation.

2. Boosts Circulation

A healthy lymphatic system and proper blood flow go hand in hand. When the lymphatic system fails (or edema develops, which is the retention of fluid and toxins), it’s much more likely someone will have circulatory issues.

This is due to the fact that the lymphatic circulatory system works directly with the cardiovascular circulatory system to keep blood and lymphatic fluid levels in an optimal balance.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, “A growing body of evidence reveals that the lymphatic system influences the health of multiple organs, including the heart, lung, and brain.”  So castor’s oil ability to positively affect our lymphatic systems likely means better overall circulation and a health boost to major organs like our hearts.

3. Moisturizes Skin and Boosts Wound Healing

Castor oil is completely natural and free of synthetic chemicals (as long as you use pure 100 percent pure oil, of course), yet it’s rich in skin-boosting ingredients like fatty acids. Applying this oil to dry or irritated skin can help to discourage dryness and keep it well moisturized, since it prevents water loss.

It can also help with wound and pressure ulcer healing thanks to its moisturizing as well as antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It mixes well with other ingredients like almond, olive and coconut oil, all of which have unique benefits for skin.

Lab studies have shown that castor oil is effective against many types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Out of all the staphylococcal bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus is considered the most dangerous and can cause mild to serious skin infections and other concerning staph infection symptoms.

4. Can Help Induce Labor

Castor oil is a time-honored natural remedy for inducing labor. For centuries, pregnant women at full term have taken it orally to help speed up uterus contractions.

In fact, it’s one of the most popular substances taken in a non-medical setting to induce labor.

According to studies, the reason castor oil can work to induce labor is due to the fact that the ricinoleic acid in the oil can activate EP3 prostanoid receptors in the uterus. Some animal studies have shown that active compounds in the oil attach to the molecules that makes muscles — in both the intestines and uterus — contract.

A 2018 observational case control study found that “The use of castor oil is related to a higher probability of labor initiation within 24 hours. Castor oil can be considered a safe non-pharmacological method for labor induction.”

In addition, the full-term women study subjects (between 40 and 41 weeks) who took castor oil had a lower incidence of Caesarean section.

One downside of using castor oil to help with delivery (and the reason it’s not commonly used in hospitals) is that some women feel nauseated after taking it.

5. Helps Dry, Irritated, Sun-Burnt or Acne-Prone Skin

As a natural antibacterial agent, castor oil works similarly to coconut oil for boosting skin health. It also makes a great general skin moisturizer and anti-inflammatory blemish treatment.

If you want to get rid of acne forever, you need to get to the source of the problem. Castor oil is a great natural home remedy for acne.

As it penetrates deep into the skin, it fights bacteria overgrowth that can clog pores, while softening and hydrating irritated skin at the same time.

As mentioned earlier, this oil has been shown to fight off  Staphylococcus aureus, which is linked to development of acne.

6. Acts as a Laxative to Relieve Constipation

Castor oil works like a natural, mild stimulant laxative when taken orally. It can provide constipation relief, reduce straining during defecation and enhance the feeling of complete evacuation after a bowel movement.

Its active ingredient, ricinoleic acid, gets released into the intestine, where it helps with the process of digestion, nutrient absorption and cleansing the system. It increases movement of the muscles that push material through the intestines, helping to pass a bowel movement.

One study conducted in Turkey looked at the effects of castor oil packs on elderly people experiencing constipation. The study participants were monitored for a week before, three days during and four days after the oil pack administration.

A whopping 80 percent of the individuals studied had been experiencing constipation for 10 years or longer. The researchers found that the oil packs were able to decrease constipation symptoms, most specifically straining during defecation.

7. Lowers Symptoms of Arthritis

Castor oil is often used as a natural treatment for arthritis pain, joint swelling and inflammation.

It has natural anti-inflammatory properties that make it an ideal massage oil that can be applied to aching joints, muscles or tissue. Observational studies have even shown that topical application of ricinoleic acid (the main component of castor oil), “exerts remarkable analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.”

A randomized, double-blind, comparative clinical study looked at the effects of castor oil capsules on symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.

Subjects were either given a castor oil capsule (0.9 milliliters) three times daily for four weeks or a capsule of diclofenac sodium (50 milligrams) for the same amount of time. Overall, they found that castor oil worked as well as conventional treatment and can be used as “an effective therapy in primary knee osteoarthritis.”

8. Helps to Encourage Strong, Shiny Hair

What does castor oil do for your hair? Just like coconut oil benefits your hair, using castor oil may help your hair grow faster, thicker, stronger and shinier.

It can detangle hair as well and is even used to treat hair felting (a disorder in which hair becomes twisted and entangled as a hard stony mass).

Does castor oil regrow hair? Because it can improve blood circulation to your follicles, it may help to speed up hair growth.

This is why some people apply it not only to hair on their head, but also to eyebrows and eyelashes.

Studies suggest that ricinoleic acid may treat hair loss by balancing prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) production in men, which affects hair growth.

What is castor oil? - Dr. Axe


Castor oil can be used in several ways: orally (taken by mouth), applied topically on the skin, applied to the hair, or massaged into the skin in the form of a castor oil pack.

Remember, any oil you ingest or consume (and even the kinds you apply directly to your skin) should really be of the highest quality to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Where can you buy castor oil products? Ideally look for a reputable brand of cold-pressed, pure, organic castor oil at your local health food store, or online if you can’t find it in stores.

To make your own castor oil pack:

Some people believe that the most effective use of castor oil is castor oil packs or poultices. These might be able to help increase topical absorption through the skin’s pores.

You can make your own easily, or purchase a pre-made kit.

To make your own pack you’ll need a bottle of castor oil and a soft piece of fabric, such as flannel that can be found in health stores and online.

  • To make your own pack, saturate a piece of flannel and place it over your abdomen or other painful areas. It takes approximately 3–4 ounces of castor oil to make one pack the size of a washcloth or small hand towel.
  • Wrap castor oil cloth around any painful area. Cover the oiled cloth with another hand towel or a plastic wrap to prevent oil getting on clothes or furniture.
  • You may want to also apply heat to support absorption.
  • Let the pack sit for one hour or more.
  • You can also massage the oil into any area where soothing is desired.

Here are some of the most common types of castor oils you may find in stores:

  • Cold-pressed castor oil — This type is produced by cold-pressing the castor bean seeds to extract their natural oil content. This results in a high quality product that is recommended for internal use. You may also want to check that the oil is pesticide-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free and free of artificial color or fragrances.
  • Yellow castor oil — This type is made from the castor bean, usually through pressing with no heat involved, although some manufacturers use chemicals in their processing. Generally speaking, the lighter color the oil is, the “purer” the product is.
  • Jamaican black castor oil —  This oil is developed by first roasting the castor beans, which results in a dark color (and burnt smell). This is the method that is traditionally used in Jamaica. Ash found in this type results in a higher pH (alkaline) product that is believed to have more clarifying properties that may help open pores.

Common Uses

1. Laxative for Constipation Relief

The dosage of castor oil taken internally depends on what you’re using it for, along with factors like your age, existing medical conditions and response to laxative-type treatments.

If taking castor oil orally, a commonly recommended dose for adults (such as to treat constipation) is 15–60 mL, taken in one single dose. This is equivalent to about one to four teaspoons once per day.

Many people mix it with water or another beverage before drinking.

Children between 2–12 years should take 5–15 mL orally once daily, while babies under 2 years old should take no more than 5 mL once daily.

Read package directions carefully before using castor oil or a castor oil pack kit. Be careful not to increase your dose above the recommended amount, start slowly and don’t take it for more than seven days consecutively, unless you’re told to do so by your doctor.

Dosages can vary by age, health status and your individual response to taking the oil. This amount is typically useful for regulating bowel movements.

However, before giving it to children or taking it longer than a week check with your doctor.

A common warning is to not use castor oil for more than a week since side effects can be serious with overuse.

Beware that castor oil can work for constipation relief quite fast so it’s not recommended to take it before bed. For many people, taking it causes a bowel movement to occur within two to three hours, but it can take up to six hours.

Always read product labels carefully and talk to your doctor if you’re not sure about the best dosage.

2. Improve Skin Health

  • Natural acne treatment: Dap castor oil onto the affected area with a clean cotton swab. You can also try to use apple cider vinegar and essential oils like frankincense mixed with a small amount of pure coconut oil. All of these options reduce redness and swelling of acne blemishes along with scarring and pain.
  • Prevent future breakouts: Wash your face first in warm water to open up the pores and then massage some of the oil into your face and leave it on overnight, rinsing the next morning. If leaving the oil on your face overnight causes greasiness, reduce the amount of time until you rinse it off.
  • Hydrate skin without clogging pores: Mix 1/4 cup of castor oil and 3/4 cup virgin coconut oil (or 3/4 cup sesame oil), then apply to your body and face.
  • Moisturize normal or oily skin: Try using 1/4 cup of castor oil with jojoba oil, grapeseed oil or olive oil instead of coconut and sesame oils. Gently massage dry areas of your skin with the mixture, then dab off any excess using a clean towel. Allow the treatment to soak in overnight and then rinse well in the morning with warm water. Another option is creating a fast-acting face mask using one teaspoon of castor oil along with one egg yolk. Apply the mixture to your face for 10–15 minutes, then clean your face.
  • Soothe a sunburn: Castors oil’s anti-inflammatory properties reduce pain and redness. Apply castor oil mixed with coconut oil (in a 1:1 proportion) to the affected area, or try the same remedy as a natural lip balm to solve chapped or sunburnt lips.

Something else to consider is that castor oil and ricinoleic acid can enhance the transdermal penetration of other chemicals, so it’s a good idea to only use castor oil along with other natural ingredients that you don’t mind fully absorbing into your skin.

3. Help Hair Growth

Use castor oil for hair health by massaging several tablespoons slightly warmed-up oil into your hair and scalp. You can try making a homemade hair mask by massaging the oil into your roots and spreading it all over your hair, tying up your hair and covering it with a cap, then leaving the oil on overnight before washing it out.

4. To Thicken Eyebrows

Use a cotton swab or clean mascara wand to wipe a small amount of oil over clean eyebrows. Let it absorb it for 20 minutes or longer. You may want to apply the oil before bed so it seeps in while you sleep. Because the oil can irritate some people’s eyes, applying it to your eyelashes should be done with caution. Use a Q-tip to carefully do this.

5. Induce Labor (be sure to speak with your doctor first)

In most studies where labor was successfully induced, women have received 60 mL of the oil, sometimes mixed with orange juice to mask the taste and reduce nausea.

6. Help Reduce Joint Pain

The oil can be applied like any other over the counter analgesic (pain relieving) cream and massaged into tense areas. Apply about a dime sized amount for every three hours or until pain subsides. Repeat every day for three days for best results.

Risks and Side Effects

Castor oil is classified by the Food and Drug Administration as generally recognized as safe for both topical and internal use. However, drinking castor oil may still potentially cause side effects.

Side effects can include:

  • abdominal cramping
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea, especially when used in large amounts

Some people experience nausea and signs of mild irritation in their gut lining when taking castor oil. That said, it’s very unlikely to cause severe reactions as long as someone is not allergic and doesn’t overdose.

If you’re pregnant, you should not take castor oil to induce labor without speaking to your doctor first. You should also avoid using it to relieve constipation during pregnancy.

Allergic reactions to castor oil (used topically or internally) are possible, so seek emergency medical care if you believe you are having a serious allergic reaction.

When using castor oil topically, it’s still best to start slowly and perform a skin patch test on a small area of your skin before applying larger amounts, and also keep it away from your eyes, inside of your nose, children and pets.

If you’re currently taking medication or have any medical condition, always speak with your doctor before using castor oil.

Tell your health care provider immediately if you experience any of the following side effects after ingesting castor oil: persistent nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, muscle cramps/weakness, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, decreased urination, mental/mood changes (such as confusion) or rectal bleeding.

Final Thoughts

  • What is castor oil? Castor oil is a non-volatile fatty oil that is derived from the seeds of the castor bean (Ricinus communis) plant.
  • It can be used topically and also taken internally in small amounts, for a short duration of time.
  • Benefits of castor oil uses include: treating constipation, helping with wound healing, preventing skin ulcers, moisturizing dry skin, reducing joint/arthritis pain, and naturally inducing labor.
  • Benefits for hair include aiding in growth, fighting scalp infections, and making hair shinier.

Study results suggest threat from COVID shots can be reversed!

 Researchers found what is believed to be ‘off switch’ for those who regret vax, and now face possibility of turbo cancers, heart failure, strokes, blood clots, damaged immune systems

By Bob Unruh

A team of researchers that included a number of medical experts as well as individuals with creditable science backgrounds has uncovered what is believed to be an “off switch” that could be used by those who were given the COVID-19 mRNA treatments, and now face that possibility of “turbo cancers, heart failure, strokes, blood clots, and damaged immune systems,” according to a new report.

It is Slay News that revealed the “historic discovery” that now “offers hope to the billions of people around the world who have been injected with the ‘vaccines.'”

The report cites a preprint study called, “Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTACs and siRNA Therapy.” The promoters of the experimental treatment originally said the “vaccine” injection would stay in a person’s arm but tests show it spreads, which has prompted health experts to express concern about the safety.

The report confirmed the “spike protein triggered by the mRNA from the shots has been linked to multiple deadly diseases and sudden death.”

The study, led by renowned American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, uncovered a novel approach using “small interfering messenger RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) to bind and deactivate the mRNA from these vaccines.”

The report said evidence is that that process allows a body to clear out mRNA from the injections.

McCullough said he already uses products like “Patisiran” and “Inclisiran” in his practice.