Drinking Green Tea May Protect Eyes

Drinking green tea may protect your eyes from glaucoma. HealthDay reports that tissues in the eye absorb protective antioxidants called catechins from green tea. Catachins are powerful natural compounds that include vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

"Our results indicate that green tea consumption could benefit the eye against oxidative stress," researcher Chi Pui Pang said in a statement. Until now, researchers didn't know if the catechins could get from the digestive system to the eyes.

Pang's study found that the effects of a cup of tea last for up to 20 hours.

To read the HealthDay story Go Here Now.

Vaccines made with fetal cells causing autism?

EPA researchers publishing a study in the Feb. 16 issue of Environmental Science & Technology were "surprise[ed]" to find a worldwide jump in the incidence of autism beginning in 1988.

Thus, the study concluded, "Although the debate about the nature of increasing autism continues, the potential for this increase to be real and involve exogenous environmental stressors exists."

According to the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, 1988 was the year the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices added a second dose of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to its list of recommendations.

SCPI actually found three "change points" in autism trends – 1981, 1988 and 1995. Here is what correlated to those years:

All three of those vaccines contained and contain aborted human fetal cells.

I'd always read it was mercury in vaccines that was implicated in autism. But according to SCPI:

Interestingly, the vaccines that can be associated with the autism trend change points never contained mercury, and some animal produced vaccines used universally in the U.S. before 1979 contained levels of mercury as high, if not higher, than current levels.

The EPA study relied on previous studies to deny a link between autism and vaccines whatsoever. But there is a new wrinkle. NaturalNews.com reported April 12:

One of the central figures in the Center for Disease Control's claims about vaccine safety is reported to be under investigation by Danish police after almost $2 million turned up missing that was supposed to have been spent on research.

Dr. Poul Thorsen, one of the researchers involved in two highly publicized autism reports published in the influential New England Journal of Medicine, was accused of fraud last month. …

Thorsen's Danish studies from 2002 and 2003 are widely referred to by groups that dispute the vaccine connection to autism and nervous system disorders. …

Thorsen … is a psychiatrist and not a research scientist or toxicologist. ... In all, CDC is reported to have paid Thorsen's center $14.6 million since 2002. …

In addition, Thorsen's partner Kreesten Madsen recently came under fire after damning e-mails surfaced showing Madsen working with CDC officials intent on fraudulently cherry picking facts to prove vaccine safety.

While the CDC and co-authors of those studies insist on their veracity, liberals, who believe there is a link between autism and mercury in vaccines, called for an investigation:

"Questions about Thorsen's scientific integrity may finally force CDC to rethink the vaccine protocols since most of the other key pro-vaccine studies cited by CDC rely on the findings of Thorsen's research group," Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote on the Huffington Post. "The validity of all these studies is now in question."

It would be ironic if the liberal demand for additional research helped lead to a confirmed link between autism and vaccines containing aborted fetal cells.

Meanwhile, in light of the EPA's findings, SCPI is calling for a Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act so parents can make an educated decision whether to allow their children to receive vaccinations containing aborted human fetal cells.

SCPI is also calling for more studies. SCPI President Theresa Deisher told me by phone, "The research thus far is too compelling and too closely associated across decades and across continents. The rise in autism is real. People can no longer brush it off. And vaccines containing fetal cells are a very plausible environmental trigger that must be investigated."

Pro-aborts lambasted a blog post I wrote on the questionable link between autism and vaccines containing fetal cells. Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon wrote:

[A]nti-choicers are running with a bull---t story that vaccines are made with aborted fetuses, and that's what causes autism. This article and the one it banks off of from Jill Stanek are both amazing examples of what can be produced when a person has no respect for their audience's intelligence or the truth.

Marcotte began by disputing that the aforementioned vaccines are made from aborted fetal cells:

The claim that vaccines are made from aborted fetuses is farcical on its face. But it shouldn't be surprising. I think your rank and file anti-choicers probably believe that stem cells are cultivated from aborted fetuses (they're actually take from embryos created for IVF that were going to be thrown away if not used in research), and that they're already being used in standard medical care like vaccines (they're not). …

The assertion that vaccines are made from aborted fetuses is such a weird idea that I don't imagine the EPA even examined that assertion in the first place.

So let's clear up that they are.

All vaccines in question – rubella, MMR and chicken pox – among others, are derived from either the MRC-5 or WI-38 cell lines.

According to the National Network for Immunization Information, among numerous sources (Google "WI-38 aborted" or "MRC-5 aborted" for more validations, such as this Salon article, or footnote 1 on this Merck label or even Wikipedia), "WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of three-months gestation and MRC-5 was developed from lung cells from a 14-week-old male fetus. Both fetuses were intentionally aborted."

Marcotte was right that the EPA hasn't investigated the potential connection. Dr. Deisher told me Thorsen and his research team "never accounted for the co-variants containing residual produced using human fetal cells. This wasn't even on their radar."

Dr. Deisher has had a different experience when discussing this issue with abortion proponents. "One can be pro-abortion and want safe vaccines for their children and all children. One can be pro-abortion and object to the cannibalization of aborted children. Philosophically, they are sickened by the thought of injecting their child with the DNA of an aborted fetus."

Marcotte, childless, is in no position to argue in favor of recommending another's child as a human science experiment. Apparently it is no great leap for hardcore pro-death ideologues to advance from endorsing human embryo research to endorsing human child research.

Nor, I noted, did Marcotte suggest another reason for the spike in autism beginning in 1988.

But concerned parents can find alternatives to aborted fetal vaccines at this Michigan Right to Life link.

Brazil recommends sex to prevent hypertension

BRASILIA - Brazilian Health Minister Jose Gomes Temporao Monday recommended that Brazilians have sex up to five times a week as a way to prevent chronic health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular trouble.

“Dance, have sex, keep a stable weight, do physical exercise, and above all measure your blood pressure,” Gomes Temporao said in Brasilia, as he launched a hypertension prevention campaign.

According to Brazilian authorities, the problem of high blood pressure is growing among Brazilians. A study by the Health Ministry that conducted telephone interviews of 54,000 people, showed the proportion of Brazilians who say their blood pressure is 140/90 or above rose from 21.5 percent in 2006 to 24.4 percent now.

At a press conference, Gomes Temporao called upon Brazilians to eat more fruit, vegetables and legumes and to get exercise, including sex.

“It’s not a joke, I’m serious. Getting physical exercise regularly also means having sex, obviously protected sex,” the minister said, while safeguarding the ministry’s insistence on safe sex to prevent the spread of HIV.

Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests

Four common bad habits combined — smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet — can age you by 12 years, sobering new research suggests.

The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors. Among them, 91 died during the study, or 29 percent. Among the 387 healthiest people with none of the four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent. MORE>>>>>>>>

Nation's heart disease risk? 50/50

Nearly half of all adult Americans have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, all conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, researchers from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday.

One in eight Americans has at least two of the conditions and one in 33 has all three, sharply increasing their risk. Of those with at least one condition, 15 percent have not been diagnosed, according to the report released online.

"The number that really surprises me is the penetration of these conditions into the U.S. population," said Dr. Clyde Yancy of Baylor University Medical Center, president of the American Heart Association. "When that number is nearly 50 percent, that's a huge wake-up call."

It means there are a large number of people "who think they are healthy ... but are working under a terrible misconception," he said.


Over-indulging in chocolate could be a marker for depression.

Researchers at University of California, San Diego and Davis, examined dietary intake patterns among 931 men and women who were not using antidepressants. The participants were also given a depression screening test. Those who screened positive for possible depression consumed an average of 8.4 servings of chocolate -- defined as 1 ounce of chocolate candy -- per month. That compared with 5.4 servings per month among people who were not depressed.

Those who scored highest on the mood tests, indicating probably major depression, consumed an average of 11.8 servings per month.

It's not clear how the two are linked, the authors wrote. It could be that depression stimulates chocolate cravings as a form of self-treatment. Chocolate prompts the release of certain chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine, that produce feelings of pleasure and reward.

Another theory is that chocolate consumption contributes to depression or that some physiological mechanism, such as stress, drives both depression and chocolate craving.


The Problem with Factory Farms

If you eat meat, the odds are high that you've enjoyed a meal made from an animal raised on a factory farm (also known as a CAFO). According to the USDA, 2% of U.S. livestock facilities raise an estimated 40% of all farm animals. This means that pigs, chickens and cows are concentrated in a small number of very large farms. But even if you're a vegetarian, the health and environmental repercussions of these facilities may affect you. In his book Animal Factory, journalist David Kirby explores the problems of factory farms, from untreated animal waste to polluted waterways. Kirby talks to TIME about large-scale industrial farming, the lack of government oversight and the terrible fate of a North Carolina river.

What exactly is a factory farm?
The industrial model for animal food production first started with the poultry industry. In the 1930s and '40s, large companies got into the farming business. The companies hire farmers to grow the animals for them. The farmers typically don't own the animals — the companies do. It's almost like a sharecropping system. The company tells them exactly how to build the farm, what to grow and what to feed. They manage everything right down to what temperature the barn should be and what day the animals are going to be picked up for slaughter. The farmer can't even eat his or her own animals. People who grow chickens for Perdue in Maryland have to go down to the market and buy Perdue at the store.

We collectively refer to these facilities as factory farms, but that's not an official name. The government designation is CAFO, which stands for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation. Basically, it's any farm that has 1,000 animal units or more. A beef cow is an animal unit. These animals are kept in pens their entire lives. They're never outside. They never breathe fresh air. They never see the sun.

What are the health and environmental hazards of CAFOs?
For one, you're often no longer feeding animals what they're genetically designed to eat. CAFO cows eat a diet of milled grains, corn and soybeans, when they are supposed to eat grass. The food isn't natural because they very often put growth hormones and antibiotics in it. That becomes a problem when you put that manure on the ground.

And the fact that there are thousands of animals packed into one farm is also a problem.
Oh, definitely. There are simply too many animals in too small of a place. In a traditional farm, a sustainable farm, you grow both crops and animals. There is a pasture, and you have a certain number of animals per acre. But when you have 2,000 cows per acre instead of two, you have a problem. You can't fit them in a pasture — you fit them in a building. You can't grow enough crops to feed them — you have to ship in their feed. You don't have enough land to absorb their waste. It has nowhere to go.

So what happens to it?
The manure is liquefied. It gets flushed out into an open lagoon, where it is stored until farmers can use it on what few crops they do grow. There's just so much of it, though. I've seen it sprayed into waterways and creeks. These lagoons filled with waste have been known to seep, leak, rupture and overtop. This stuff is untreated, by the way. We would never allow big, open cesspools of untreated human waste to just sit out on the ground near people's homes and schools. And yet because it's agriculture, the rules are different.

You write at length about North Carolina's Neuse River. What happened there?
Hundreds of massive pig farms came into North Carolina in the 1990s. In Animal Factory, I tell the story of Rick Dove, a former Marine who retired and bought a fishing boat. One day he noticed the fish were dying in really weird ways. First there were the algae blooms. Algae creates oxygen during the day through photosynthesis and expels carbon dioxide at night. When that happens, there's literally no oxygen in the water. Everything comes crawling up to the shore in the shallowest part of the river, trying to pump water through their gills. By the morning, they're all dead. Everything — shrimp, crab, little fish called menhaden, eels, bass. People call it a "fish jubilee," 'cause they can just wade into the river and pick up free food.

Soon after this started happening, Rick Dove noticed the menhaden fish were developing round red circles on their flanks. They'd go into what was called a "death spiral." They just start swimming into little circles and just die. Nobody knew what was causing this. Pretty soon after that, the fishermen, including Rick and his son, noticed they were getting round red sores on their skin in the parts that touched the water. Then they'd get very disoriented. Fishermen would forget where they lived or where they'd docked their boats. Rick started to do some research. One day he read in a science magazine about pfiesteria, this very odd plankton that emits toxins that stun a fish so it can suck the fish's blood. That's what the lesions were. But the toxin also gets in the air, and that's why fishermen were getting disoriented.

Rick wanted to know the source of this problem, so he went up in an airplane. That's how I open Animal Factory, with him looking down at these massive pig farms. Sometimes you can even see the waste runoff going directly going into the water. Other times they're out there spraying night and day because nobody is watching them. You can't see this from the road. There are very few inspectors, and they're not going to go out there and monitor everyone.

People probably assume this kind of stuff is regulated, but it's not. Or at least not enough. What should the government be doing?
A lot of the laws are on the state and county level, so it depends on the political will and political culture of the individual state. That doesn't mean Democrat or Republican. That means agriculture state vs. a state with not a lot of agriculture. What kind of laws have agriculture-friendly states passed? Some states say that if a company spills its manure, it doesn't have to pay to clean it up. The taxpayers pay. If you try to pass pollution standards, the industry complains that they're already too heavily regulated. They claim that if you force them to reduce how much they pollute, they're not going to be able to operate. They're essentially saying they can only make money by polluting and breaking the law. That should be unacceptable to everybody.

You spent three years reporting this story. What stands out?
One time I visited a pig farm, a regular farm — not a factory farm — in Illinois. Right across the street was a hog CAFO. The owner didn't live there, of course. There's no farm house on a factory farm, just business offices. At night, all the workers would leave, and all I'd hear as I was trying to fall asleep was the sound of the pigs fighting each other, biting each other, squealing, screeching all night long. It was like nothing I've ever heard before in my life, and it just didn't stop. It sounded like kids being tortured over there. I'll never forget that sound. It was very sad.

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Suppressed Anger Triples Heart Risk

People with heart disease might want to take a careful look at how they handle their feelings of anger. A new study found that heart disease patients who suppressed their anger had nearly triple the risk of having a heart attack or dying over the next 5 to 10 years. MORE>>>>>>>>

Sex wonder pill Priligy released for sale in the UK

THE first pill to prevent premature ejaculation launches in the U.K. tomorrow.

The Sun reported the drug, taken one to three hours before sex, is shown to make men last three times as long.

It works by altering levels of a chemical in the brain called serotonin, which helps a man to have more control over his moment of climax.

But it is costly - at $126 for a pack of three Priligy 30mg tablets.

Premature ejaculation affects 30 percent of British men, but half of sufferers wrongly believe they can't be helped.

Local anesthetic sprays and creams are on the market to help delay the moment and other methods to control the problem include stop-start and squeeze techniques, condom use to reduce sensitivity and counseling. However, all have been shown to have only limited success.

Priligy, which is available for men aged 18 to 64, is already on sale in some European countries.

It will be sold exclusively online, for private prescriptions only, and should not be taken in conjunction with alcohol.

Walking Staves Off Stroke

Walking may be an important weapon for women in the fight against stroke, a new study hints.

The study found that women who walked for two or more hours a week had a lower risk of stroke than those who walked for less than two hours a week.

It's well known that physical activity is good for heart health, including reducing the risk of stroke. "More active people generally demonstrate a 25 to 30 percent lower risk of stroke," Jacob Sattelmair, the study's lead researcher and a doctoral candidate in epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston noted in a telephone interview with Reuters Health. MORE>>>>>>>>>

6 Foods That Fight Heart Disease

Chocolate. One study found that heart attack survivors who ate chocolate two or more times a week slashed their risk of dying from heart disease by threefold. German researchers found that eating only one square of dark chocolate a week lowered the risk of heart attack and stroke by 39 percent. Other studies have also found that chocolate lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. The high levels of antioxidants in chocolate seem to be the most likely candidates for chocolate's heart-healthy benefits.

Alcohol. Evidence is mounting that moderate drinking helps reduce the risk of heart disease. (Moderate drinking is defined as three to seven drinks each week for women and three to 14 drinks weekly for men.) A recent study found that moderate drinking lowered the risk of cardiovascular death by 38 percent. Light drinkers (men or women who had three or fewer drinks a week) lowered their risk by 31 percent.

Fish. Fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which studies have shown decrease the risk of abnormal heartbeats. They also lower blood pressure, decrease triglyceride levels, and slow the growth of atherosclerotic plaque. A recent study from the University of Athens in Greece found that eating fish once or twice a week helps preserve heart function in those patients who suffer from heart failure. The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fatty fish each week.

Tea. A British study found that drinking one cup of tea each day could cut the risk of heart attack almost in half. In addition, a Greek study found that green tea dilated arteries in the heart and allowed blood to flow more freely, which may help protect from blood clots. But skip the milk: A German study found that although tea without milk prevents cardiovascular disease, adding milk counteracts the heart-healthy benefits.

Nuts. Many studies have shown that nuts lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol, reduce the risk of developing blood clots, and improve the lining of arteries. Almost every type of nut is healthy, says the Mayo Clinic, but walnuts have been studied many times and have been found to contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. A daily handful of almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, or macadamia nuts are also healthy.

Cranberries. Researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania found that drinking three glasses of cranberry juice daily for a month significantly raised HDL ("good") cholesterol by 10 percent and lowered the risk of heart disease by 40 percent. Cranberries may even help those with genes for high cholesterol. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine found that cranberry powder lowered the cholesterol levels of pigs born with a genetic predisposition for high cholesterol. Within six months, their cholesterol levels were less than other pigs born with the genetic defect but not given cranberry powder, as well as the levels of pigs born with normal cholesterol levels that weren't given cranberry.