Allergic to Water?

Yes, it’s possible. And, yes, it can be miserable.
By Dr. Rob for MSN Health & Fitness
Dr. Rob

Q: My eldest son, who is 15, seems to be allergic to water. This has just come on within the last year. When he takes a shower his chest itches really badly. He also gets this way when he swims. We took him to the dermatologist’s office and saw a physician’s assistant who said it just must be the soap, and to change the soap and things will be fine. It’s been frustrating for him; it isn’t the soap or laundry detergent because my family is a sensitive family and we use All Free and Clear for the laundry and Dove sensitive skin soap. I happen to have cold urticaria (a form of hives that’s caused by cold exposure). Do you have any idea what this might be? Could this be a form of cold urticaria? Do you know what we can do for him?


Skin Cancer: How to Spot the Bad Spots

Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. It metastasizes in one-fifth of patients who have it.

There is no doubt a sun-kissed, summertime glow will boost your confidence and make you look and feel healthier.

But, like all good things, the sun is good only in moderation, as dangerous UVA and UVB rays can lead to skin cancer.

So, how do you recognize the signs of skin cancer, especially since humans always have some sort of pre-existing beauty mark, mole or sun spot?

“The way to be aware of it is the ABCDs,” said Dr. Jody A. Levine, a dermatologist from Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC. They are:

A – Asymmetry

B – Border irregularity

C – Color variety

D – Diameter greater than 5 millimeters

Read More

This is why you must stay informed!

Mom Uses Internet to Diagnose Daughter Whose Illness Baffled Doctors

A young British girl, who was left bedridden for six months after doctors failed to diagnose her, has finally received the proper treatment thanks to the Internet and her mother, the Daily Mail is reporting.

Dominique Fisher, 35, of Whitefield, Greater Manchester, England, took her daughter, 13-year-old Danielle Fisher to see the doctor in October after she began suffering from severe headaches and fatigue.

Over the next six months, Danielle was diagnosed with a variety of possible illnesses including meningitis, Epstein-Bar virus, a tumor, and even psychological problems — all of which turned out to be wrong, the paper reported.Read More

How to buy organics while on a budget

As grocery prices soar, more shoppers are looking for bargains
Valeria Zaitsevia buys bread at the Bread Alone organic whole grain bakery stand at the Union Square Farmers Market in New York.


If you’re like me, your household budget is getting clobbered by the one-two punch of $4-plus-a-gallon gasoline and higher food prices. Most of us can find a way to drive less, but we all have to eat.

To stretch their food dollars, people are changing the way they shop. For some, that means buying fewer organic products or taking them off the shopping list entirely.

“The statistics aren’t available yet, but there’s definitely been trading down by consumers in many areas,” says Brian Todd, CEO of The Food Institute, a non-profit organization in Elmwood, N.J., that tracks supermarket trends. “Consumers are going from national brands to private labels and from more expensive produce, and that would include organics, to lower-priced produce,” he says.Read More

Live Longer, Healthier, & Better

The untold benefits of becoming a Christian in the ancient world.
Rodney Stark

Constantine, the first Christian to rule Rome, governed for 31 years and died in bed of natural causes at a time when the average imperial reign was short and emperors' lives usually came to violent ends.

That he lived to old age illustrates a more general, if not widely known, early Christian achievement: Christians in the ancient world had longer life expectancies than did their pagan neighbors.

Modern demographers regard life expectancy as the best indicator of quality of life, so in all likelihood, Christians simply lived better lives than just about everyone else.

In fact, many pagans were attracted to the Christian faith because the church produced tangible (not only "spiritual") blessings for its adherents.

Why Christians lived longer

Chief among these tangibles was that, in a world entirely lacking social services, Christians were their brothers' keepers. At the end of the second century, Tertullian wrote that while pagan temples spent their donations "on feasts and drinking bouts," Christians spent theirs "to support and bury poor people, to supply the wants of boys and girls destitute of means and parents, and of old persons confined to the house."

Similarly, in a letter to the bishop of Antioch in 251, the bishop of Rome mentioned that "more than 1,500 widows and distressed persons" were in the care of his congregation. These claims concerning Christian charity were confirmed by pagan observers.

"The impious Galileans support not only their poor," complained pagan emperor Julian, "but ours as well."

The willingness of Christians to care for others was put on dramatic public display when two great plagues swept the empire, one beginning in 165 and the second in 251. Mortality rates climbed higher than 30 percent. Pagans tried to avoid all contact with the afflicted, often casting the still living into the gutters. Christians, on the other hand, nursed the sick even though some believers died doing so.

The results of these efforts were dramatic. We now know that elementary nursing—simply giving victims food and water without any drugs—will reduce mortality in epidemics by as much as two-thirds. Consequently Christians were more likely than pagans to recover—a visible benefit. Christian social services also were visible and valuable during the frequent natural and social disasters afflicting the Greco-Roman world: earthquakes, famines, floods, riots, civil wars, and invasions.

Girl power

Women greatly outnumbered men among early converts. However, in the empire as a whole, men vastly outnumbered women. There were an estimated 131 men for every 100 women in Rome. The disparity was even greater elsewhere and greater still among the elite.

Widespread female infanticide had reduced the number of women in society. "If you are delivered of a child," wrote a man named Hilarion to his pregnant wife, "if it is a boy, keep it, if it is a girl discard it." Frequent abortions "entailing great risk" (in the words of Celsus) killed many women and left even more barren.

The Christian community, however, practiced neither abortion nor infanticide and thus drew to itself women.

More importantly, within the Christian community women enjoyed higher status and security than they did among their pagan neighbors. Pagan women typically were married at a young age (often before puberty) to much older men. But Christian women were older when they married and had more choice in whom, and even if, they would marry.

In addition, Christian men could not easily divorce their wives, and both genders were subject to strongly enforced rules against extramarital sex.

To cities filled with the homeless and impoverished, Christianity offered charity and hope. To cities filled with newcomers and strangers, Christianity offered immediate fellowship. To cities filled with orphans and widows, Christianity provided a new and expanded sense of family.. Christian women benefitted further from their considerable status within the church. We have it from the apostle Paul that women held positions of leadership, as was confirmed by Pliny the Younger, who reported to Emperor Trajan that he had tortured two young Christian women "who were called deaconesses."

Urban sanctuary

Yet the early church attractedand held members of both sexes, and not just because it offered longer life and raised social standing. Christianity also offered a strong community in a disorganized, chaotic world.

Greco-Roman cities were terribly overpopulated. Antioch, for example, had a population density of about 117 inhabitants per acre—more than three times that of New York City today.

Tenement cubicles were smoky, dark, often damp, and always dirty. The smell of sweat, urine, feces, and decay permeated everything. Outside on the street, mud, open sewers, and manure lay everywhere, and even human corpses were found in the gutters. Newcomers and strangers, divided into many ethnic groups, harbored bitter antagonism that often erupted into violent riots.

For these ills, Christianity offered a unifying subculture, bridging these divisions and providing a strong sense of common identity.

To cities filled with the homeless and impoverished, Christianity offered charity and hope. To cities filled with newcomers and strangers, Christianity offered an immediate fellowship. To cities filled with orphans and widows, Christianity provided a new and expanded sense of family.

In short, Christianity offered a longer, more secure, and happier life.

The emotional benefits of martyrdom

It seems obvious that in periods of persecution, church membership would decrease dramatically. In fact, persecutions rarely occurred, and only a tiny number of Christians were ever martyred—only "hundreds, not thousands" according to historian William H. C. Frend. Usually only bishops and other prominent figures were singled out for martyrdom. The actual threat to rank-and-file Christians was quite small.

However, the martyrdoms played a crucial role in cementing the faith of early believers. Persecution eliminated the "free-rider" problem common to many new religions. Those who stayed in the church believed strongly in the tenets of the faith because it was "expensive" to do so.

Anyone who has participated in a cause that demands great sacrifice will understand that services conducted in those early house churches must have yielded an intense, shared emotional satisfaction. Shared risk usually brings people together in powerful ways.

Compassion equation

It was not simply the promise of salvation that motivated Christians, but the fact that they were greatly rewarded in the here and now for belonging. Thus while membership was "expensive," it was, in fact, "a bargain." Because the church asked much of its members, it followed that it gave much.

For example, because Christians were expected to aid the less fortunate, they could expect to receive such aid, and all could feel greater security against bad times. Because they were asked to nurse the sick and dying, they too would receive such nursing. Because they were asked to love others, they in turn would be loved.

In similar fashion, Christianity mitigated relations among social classes, and at the very time when the gap between rich and poor was growing. It did not preach that everyone could or should be socially or politically equal, but it did preach that all were equal in the eyes of God and that the more fortunate had a responsibility to help those in need.

Good theological news

Converts not only had to learn to act like Christians but to understand why Christians acted as they did. They had to learn that God commanded them to love one another, to be merciful, to be their brother's keeper. Indeed, they had to understand the idea of "divinity" in an entirely new way.

The simple phrase "For God so loved the world … " puzzled educated pagans, who believed, as Aristotle taught, that the gods could feel no love for mere humans. Moreover, a god of mercy was unthinkable, since classical philosophers taught that mercy was a pathological emotion, a defect of character to be outgrown and overcome.

The notion that the gods care how we treat one another would also have been dismissed as patently absurd by all sophisticated pagans.

When we examine the gods accepted by these same sophisticates, they seem trivial in contrast with "God the Father," and wicked incompetents compared to "His Son." Yet to many pagans, this new teaching was more than absurd. It was also good news.

Behind all these tangible, sociological, and intellectual motives, of course, Christians believe the Holy Spirit prodded and persuaded pagans to believe. Christian conversion, after all, is ultimately a spiritual affair. But is it too much to imagine that God perhaps used the tangible to influence the spiritual?

Rodney Stark is professor of sociology and comparative religion at the University of Washington, and author of The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (Princeton University Press, 1996).

Copyright © 1998 by the author or Christianity Today International/Christian History magazine.Permission granted for re-print...
Click here for reprint information on Christian History.

Woman Wakes After Heart Stopped, Rigor Mortis Set In



Val Thomas’ doctors honestly can’t explain how she is alive today. Thomas, who lives in West Virginia, is being called a medical miracle after she suffered two heart attacks and had no brain waves for more than 17 hours; reports

Thomas’ heart stopped around 1:30 a.m. Saturday and doctors said she had no pulse. Rigor mortis started to set in, and she was placed on a respiratory machine.

"Her skin had already started to harden and her fingers curled,” Thomas’ son, Jim, told “Death had set in.”

Thomas, 59, was rushed to a West Virginia hospital, where she was put on a special machine to induce hypothermia. This would allow her body to cool down for 24 hours before they would warm her up again, doctors explained. However, Thomas’ heart stopped again after the procedure.

Her family said their goodbyes and Thomas’ tubes were removed, but she remained hooked on a ventilator as the possibility of organ donation was discussed.

However, Thomas woke up 10 minutes later and started talking.

“The nurse said, ‘I’m so sorry, Mrs. Thomas,’ and mom said, ‘That’s OK, honey, that’s OK,’” Jim Thomas said.

Val Thomas was transferred to the Cleveland Clinic so that specialists could check her out, but doctors said they could find nothing wrong with her.

“I know God has something in store for me, another purpose,” Val Thomas said. “I don’t know what it is, but I’m sure he’ll tell me.”

Click here to read the full story from


And in another Miracle...

A BABY girl came back to life two hours after she was pronounced dead after falling into a river in the UK

Stress Hormone Affects Immune System

A new UCLA study suggests the decline in an individual’s immune system after facing chronic stress is due to the stress hormone cortisol. Scientists found that cortisol suppresses immune cells’ ability to activate their telomerase, an enzyme within the cell that keeps immune cells young by preserving their telomere length and ability to continue dividing.

Every cell contains a tiny clock called a telomere, which shortens each time the cell divides. Short telomeres are linked to a range of human diseases, including HIV, osteoporosis, heart disease and aging. Read More

Man Dies from Drinking Water!

So when do we put warning labels on water bottles?

A 44-year-old man died after drinking 9.6 liters of water in eight hours, the equivalent of four-and- a-half soda bottles, London’s Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

Andrew Thornton, of Bradford, England, was drinking the cold water to relieve his sore gums, which were brought on by gum disease, according to an inquest.

Thornton drank the water to avoid taking painkillers, said his mother, Alice, 65 Read More

Ladies, give your breasts a rest, research says

Permission to skip self-exams a relief for some, perplexing for others
By Diane Mapes

Like many women, I’ve felt guilty about my slipshod breast exams for years. Sure, I’ll give the girls a good once-over in the shower now and then, but I’ve never diligently gone through all the motions (circular and otherwise), month in and month out.

So it was with a certain amount of relief that I read a new analysis confirming that the breast self-exam (or BSE) truly doesn’t make much of a difference after all. Read More

Did You Know All the Drugs in Your Milk?

Dairy products from cows treated with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) could sharply increase the risk of cancer and other diseases, especially in children.

The chemicals are already banned in most industrialized nations, and it was approved in the United States on the backs of fired whistleblowers, manipulated research, and a corporate takeover at the FDA. This film (split into two parts above) includes footage prepared for a Fox TV segment that was canceled after a letter from Monsanto's attorney threatened "dire consequences."


Are There Deadly Superbugs in Your Pork?

There’s plenty of medical research that backs up religious advice to avoid the “other white meat,” pork. Scientists are beginning to detect antibiotic-resistant bacteria in pork, pigs and some veterinarians, raising the issue of whether these so-called superbugs might find a new route to infect farmworkers or even people who eat pork.




Coke Or Water?

Coke Or Water?




Wonder why so many are sick?


  • 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
    (Likely applies to half the world population.)
  • In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak
    that it is mistaken for hunger.
  • Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as 3%.
  • One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
    for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of
    Washington study.
  • Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
  • Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of
    water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain
    for up to 80% of sufferers.
  • A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term
    memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on
    the computer screen or on a ! printed page.
  • Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of
    colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast
    cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to develop
    bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water
    you should drink every day?
    Coke or Water


  • In many states the highway patrol carries
    two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from
    the highway after a car accident.
  • You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke
    and it will be gone in two days.
  • To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the
    toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour,
    then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes
    stains from vitreous china.
  • To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
    Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds
    Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.
  • To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour
    a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble
    away the corrosion.
  • To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola
    to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
  • To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into
    the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.
    Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix
    with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
  • To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke
    into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run
    through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen
    grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your


  1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.
    It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric
    acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major
    contributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.
  2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup! (the concentrate) the
    commercial trucks must use a hazardous Material place
    cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.
  3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean
    engines of the trucks for about 20 years!

Now the question is, would you like a glass of water?


or Coke?

Hidden Names for MSG

Foods always contain MSG when these words are on the label:


Calcium Caseinate
Monosodium glutamate 

Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein 

Textured Protein
Monopotassium glutamate 

Hydrolyzed Plant Protein 

Yeast Extract
Glutamate Autolyzed Plant Protein 

Yeast food or nutrient
Glutamic Acid Sodium

Caseinate Autolyzed Yeast
Foods made with the following products often contain MSG.
Malted Barley (flavor) Flavors, Flavoring Modified food starch
Barley malt Reaction Flavors Rice syrup or brown rice syrup
Malt Extract or Flavoring Natural Chicken, Beef, or Pork, Flavoring"Seasonings" (Most assume this means salt, pepper, or spicesand herbs, which sometimes it is.) Lipolyzed butter fat
Maltodextrin Soy Sauce or Extract "Low" or "No Fat" items
Caramel Flavoring (coloring) Soy Protein Corn syrup and corn syrup solids (somecompanies use another process to make their product, saying itis MSG free)
Stock Soy Protein Isolate or Concentrate Citric Acid (when processed fromcorn)
Broth Cornstarch Milk Powder
Bouillon Flowing Agents Dry Milk Solids
Carrageenan Wheat, rice, or oat protein Protein Fortified Milk
Whey Protein or Whey Anything enriched or vitaminenriched Annatto
Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate Protein fortified "anything" Spice
Pectin Enzyme modified "anythng" Gums
Protease Ultra-pasteurized "anything" Dough Conditioners
Protease enzymes Fermented "anything" Yeast Nutrients



Are you crazy enough to succeed?

Obsessive and compulsive behaviors can make you — or break you
By Jeremy Katz
updated 12:01 p.m. ET, Sun., July. 13, 2008

I sit in the glass-walled nurses' station, waiting for my day to begin. A steady stream of people — all living with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD — approach the half door and utter some variation of "I have to go to the bathroom." The attractive young woman on duty smiles and hands over a small quantity of toilet paper, a squirt of soap in a specimen cup, and a paper towel with a cheery "Here you are!" This is what grade school must have seemed like to George Orwell. Read More

Beijing takes dog off the menu for Olympics

I guess they figured Michael Vick wasn't coming

BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing has asked hotels and restaurants in the city to take dog meat off the menu for the duration of next month's Olympics and September's Paralympics.Read More

Russert's Death Saved My Life, Man Says

NBC newsman Tim Russert's sudden death last month gave some of his fellow baby boomers a scare when it comes to their own health and mortality. In a New York Times article, an ABC News producer credits Russert with saving his life, helping him to recognize his own heart attack before it was too late.

> Full Coverage

Teen Pregnancies Spike to 15-Year High

Children Having Children
Pregnant teen bellyJoe Raedle, Getty Images

The teen pregnancy rate is up for the first time since 1991, according to a report released Friday by the National Institutes of Health. In 2006, the number of teenage girls between the ages 15 to 17 having babies rose to about 139,000 from about 133,000 in 2005.

1 of 5PHOTOS

Melanoma Surges Among Young Women

Sun goddesses take note: The rate of skin cancer's most deadly form jumped 50 percent in young women from 1980 to 2004, according to a government report. For men, the rate leveled. Ironically, women are more likely than men to use sunscreen, an expert says. But that could lead them to stay exposed longer under a false sense of protection. The news comes on the heels of a report that many popular sunscreens on the market do little to protect skin, have harmful chemicals -- or both.
Full Story From the Washington Post | Most Sunscreens Ineffective

Skin Cancer: Melanoma | Nonmelanoma

The Dark Side of Sunscreens?
girls putting on sunscreenPhil Cole, AP

Do you think slathering on a high-SPF sunscreen is enough to ward off harmful sunrays? Think again, says a consumer advocacy group that found four out of five brand-name sunscreens inadequately protect users or contain ingredients that may be unsafe.

1 of 5PHOTOS

Alternative Treatments Reduce Cholesterol Better than Statins

A group of Pennsylvania researchers have found that fish oil and red yeast rice reduce cholesterol better than statin drugs. The medical profession pushes statin drugs believing they can help prevent cardiovascular disease, and are now considering prescribing them to children as young as eight. But many patients refuse to take them, either because they don’t believe they are safe or because of their high cost. As many as 40 percent of patients who receive prescriptions for statin drugs take them for less than a year.Read More

Aspirin Dangerous and Ineffective for People With Heart Failure

People who are diagnosed with heart failure and follow a treatment regimen that includes blood thinners such as aspirin or coumadin could be putting their health into more danger.

Researchers stated that just because heart failure patients stand a greater chance of experiencing a heart attack or stroke doesn't automatically make them appropriate candidates for antithrombotic therapy.

Study Comparing Blood-Thinning Therapies to no Antithrombotic Therapy


Get This, US has Lowest Life Span in Western World - And we smoke LESS!

These are the surprising facts. Don't shoot me, I am just reporting what our government (The CIA) and the United Nations (WHO) statistics show! I am sorry that the facts don't support the what the government and leading scientist tell us (you know like Global Warming is REAL when the facts don't support the claim?) about the physical cost of smoking. Heck, I don't even smoke! I could not find a more recent report, but that would be meaningless, in that it is during these years that smoking was blamed for many of the deaths in the USA. Here is the report:

Top 15 (+US) Life Expectancies
compared to smokers prevalence's

Life Expectancy
Smokers Prevalence
1. Iceland 76.6 (1994) 31.0 (1994)
2. Japan 76.5 (1994) 59.0 (1994)
3. Costa Rica 75.9 (1994) 35.0 (1988)
. Israel 75.9 (1994) 45.0 (1990)
5. Sweden 75.5 (1994) 22.0 (1994)
6. Greece 75.2 (1994) 46.0 (1994)
7. Switzerland 74.8 (1994) 36.0 (1992)
8. Netherlands 74.7 (1994) 36.0 (1994)
. Canada 74.7 (1994) 31.0 (1991)
. Cuba 74.7 (1994) 49.3 (1990)
11. Australia 74.5 (1994) 29.0 (1993)
. Spain 74.5 (1994) 48.0 (1993)
. Malta 74.5 (1994) 40.0 (1992)
14. Italy 74.4 (1994) 38.0 (1994)
15. France 74.3 (1994) 40.0 (1993)
... USA 72.6 (1994) 28.1 (1991)

Top 15 (+US) Life Expectancies
compared to smokers prevalence's

Life Expectancy
Smokers Prevalence
1. France 82.3 (1994) 27.0 (1993)
. Japan 82.3 (1994) 14.8 (1994)
3. Canada 81.7 (1994) 29.0 (1991)
. Switzerland 81.7 (1994) 26.0 (1992)
5. Spain 81.2 (1994) 25.0 (1994)
. Sweden 81.2 (1994) 24.0 (1994)
. Iceland 81.2 (1994) 28.0 (1994)
8. Netherlands 81.0 (1994) 29.0 (1994)
. Italy 81.0 (1994) 26.0 (1994)
10. Australia 80.8 (1994) 21.0 (1993)
11. Luxembourg 80.5 (1994) 26.0 (1994)
12. Belgium 80.4 (1994) 19.0 (1993)
13. New Zealand 80.2 (1994) 26.0 (1995)
14. Israel 80.2 (1994) 30.0 (1990)
15. Austria 80.0 (1994) 27.0 (1992)
... USA 79.4 (1994) 23.5 (1991)

figures for Japan(!), Israel, Greece, Cuba and Spain very interesting. How could three countries with smoking prevalence's of 45-59% show up in the Top 15 at all?
The percentage of Japanese smokers is 2.7 times higher than that of the Swedes, but an average Japanese still lives one year longer!


HPV Vaccine Blamed for Teen's Paralysis

Gardasil certainly made headlines in 2006 when the Food and Drug Administration approved it as a vaccine against four strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, which can cause cervical cancer. HPV can be transmitted sexually, so many parents decided to give the vaccination to their teenaged daughters.

Now, Gardasil is making headlines again. This time, the drug’s manufacturer is under scrutiny as the vaccine’s recipients are complaining of ill side effects. There have been more than 78,000 complaints about Gardasil,New England Cable News reported Tuesday.

Complaints have included nausea, blood clots, genital warts, paralysis and even death. More .

More sex means less chance of ED for older men

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - There's new advice for older men who want to preserve their sexual function: have sex, and have it often, researchers say.

In a study that followed nearly 1,000 older Finnish men for five years, researchers found that those who were regularly having sex at the start of the study were at lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED) by the study's end.

In fact, the more often the men had sex, the lower their ED risk. MORE

Beware of New Media Brainwashing About High Fructose Corn Syrup

corn syrup, soda, childThe Corn Refiners Association is launching a major advertising and public relations campaign designed to rehabilitate the reputation of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). HFCS has been linked by many scientists to the nation's obesity epidemic.


Vaccines that can KILL YOU!

Feds target children with live flu vaccine
Formula planned for possibly millions contains virus that can spread on contact
Posted: July 07, 2008
8:03 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

The federal government plans to give children – possibly millions of them – a live influenza vaccine they could transmit to anyone with whom they come into contact.The vaccinations could start as early as a few weeks from now, and the infections could be spread for up to three weeks following the vaccinations, officials confirmed.MORE

The 10 Healthiest Beverages


If our article on America's most unhealthy drinks left you confused and thirsty, Health Magazine has assembled a list of the 10 healthiest beverages. The list is primarily based on each beverage's concentration of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are thought to neutralize free-radicals which can cause cell damage. One good rule of thumb is that fruit with a vivid color will be high in anti-oxidants. Be careful of over-consumption because many of the juices on the list contain a lot of natural sugar, so at some point you can mitigate a juice's health benefits if you drink excessive amounts. Experts recommend drinking 1 to 2 six-ounce glasses of juice a day in combination with whole fruits for optimal health benefits. The list, inside...

10. Apple juice
Clarified apple juice is thought to have less nutritional benefit than unclarified apple juice.

9. Tea
Tea is said to do everything from inhibiting bad breath to boosting the immune system.

8. Orange juice
Oranges and other citrus fruits are a rich source of Vitamin C and flavanoids.

7. Cranberry juice
Cranberries are also a good source of Vitamin C. There is research to support the myth that cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infections. It is thought to help prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall.

6. Açaí juice
Pronounced (ah-sci-ee), it is a rainforest berry that grows on palm trees the Amazon.

5. Black cherry juice
There is evidence that black cherry juice may diminish exercise-induced muscle injuries.

4. Blueberry juice
Blueberries are high in fiber and low in calories. Be the life of the party with funky blue teeth.

3. Concord grape juice
There is some research to support that grape juice is good for the heart and helps reduce blood pressure.

2. Red wine
What's better than healthy booze? Does this mean you should drink a lot of wine? No, experts recommend no more than 2 glasses a day since too much alcohol can create health problems.

1. Pomegranate juice
According to CBS, "Pomegranate is the healthiest of them all because it contains the most of every type of antioxidant. It wins in all categories. And it's thought that it might do some very good things; it may protect against some cancers, such as prostate cancer. It might also modify heart disease risk factors, and it could be healthy for your heart. So pomegranate was the clear winner. "

Pomegranate Ranked Healthiest Fruit Juice [CBS]
Pomegranate Juice is Packed With Antioxidants [Health Magazine]
Fab 4: juices that serve up a bounty of health benefits [BNet]

Wine chemical eases age-related ailments

By Sandy Kleffman

It's not exactly a fountain of youth, but a substance found in red wine, grapes and nuts can prevent many age-related problems in mice, an intriguing new study reveals.

The substance, resveratrol, led to healthier hearts, better bone density, fewer cataracts and greater motor coordination in the animals.MORE



Red Wine Increases Health

A compound in red wine may ward off a variety of medical conditions related to aging, providing heart benefits, stronger bones and preventing eye cataracts, researchers said on Thursday.

The study, involving mice fed a diet supplemented with resveratrol starting in their equivalent of middle age, is the latest to raise hope that the compound or drugs based on it may improve the health of people.

Most of mice given resveratrol did not live longer than other mice but were far more healthy in several important measures, according to the study published in the journal Cell Metabolism.MORE


Frequent Sex, Excercise, Dairy,Nuts,Red Wine,Broccoli Prevent Prostate Cancer!

Frequent ejaculations  have been associated with a lower risk for prostate cancer. Some experts speculate that certain carcinogens may be concentrated in prostate fluid, so that frequent ejaculation helps eliminate them....A recent study, however, suggested a linear trend between red wine consumption and reduced risk of prostate cancer. In a study of over 1,400 newly diagnosed middle-aged patients with prostate cancer, researchers found that each additional glass of red wine consumed per week reduced the relative risk of prostate cancer by 6%....Research indicates that docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA), the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, may be protective against prostate cancer. Some studies have reported a lower risk for prostate cancer in men who ate fish frequently (two or more times a week). ...

What adds to your risk?

Obesity, Vasectomy, Chemicals, Higher PSA Levels,  and being black (genetics)...


Know 5 to Stay Alive



Living Well: Getting on the fasting track promises a bonus for your health

Every spring, Dr. Elson Haas supervises a group of 25 to 100 people who participate in a 10-day fasting program. He does it himself, too, a ritual he has followed since 1975.

"I was two years out of medical school, with chronic allergies and way overweight," recalled Haas by phone the other day after a day of seeing patients at his natural health clinic in Marin County, Calif. "I needed something."


Mini-fasts actually may have health benefits

Occasionally, almost everyone's had to skip a meal due to hectic schedules or certain religious practices. Going without food for a half a day usually results in nothing more than hunger pangs and maybe a little headache, all of which disappear when we chow down at the next meal.

But what happens if a mini-fast or severe calorie-reduced diet is extended for several days?

While just the thought of going without your daily mocha Frappuccino or lunchtime turkey sandwich may make your stomach growl ferociously, some medical research says short-term fasting and calorie restriction may actually be good for us.


Researchers Investigate (Horrors!) Nicotine's Potential Benefits

IN work that sounds a little like scientific blasphemy, medical researchers have begun paying increasing attention to some beneficial effects of nicotine that were first noticed in cigarette smokers.

After years of quiet discussion among scientists, hints that cigarettes can protect against some diseases or improve the outcome of others have led to growing interest in finding out why. This has focused attention on nicotine, tobacco's most active ingredient, as a potential treatment for several major health problems, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. MORE

Omega-3 Fatty Acid May Stop Repeat Stroke

Eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA -- the essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid abundant in oily fish -- may help protect stroke patients from suffering a second stroke, a Japanese study shows.

In a study of people with high cholesterol who were taking a low dose of a cholesterol-lowering "statin," researchers found that adding EPA did not reduce the occurrence of a first stroke but did lower recurrence rates in those with a history of stroke. MORE

Plans to ban dozens of pesticides will 'lead to food shortages and send prices rising further'

Plans to ban dozens of pesticides will lead to more food shortages and send prices rising further, it was claimed yesterday.

A directive being proposed by the European Commission is designed to reduce the level of toxic chemicals in food.

It would lead to a ban on 15 per cent of pesticides, it has been estimated. 


European plans to ban potentially dangerous pesticides will lead to more food shortages and send prices soaring even further, scientists have warned

Dr Ian Denholm, of Rothamsted Research Institute in Hertfordshire, said the ban was politically motivated and would have ' genuinely alarming' consequences, including pushing up food prices. 

But anti-pesticide campaigners accused the scientists of scare mongering, and said the new rules were a sensible "precautionary move" that would protect people's health. More