Gray hair can be reversed, say scientists

'For generations, numerous remedies have been concocted'

(NATUREWORLDNEWS) — What has become ubiquitous with age – gray hair – may soon become a thing of the past. Forget about trips to the hair salon, or buying box dye to cover up those roots, a team of European researchers say.

In a new research report published online in The FASEB Journal people who go gray develop massive oxidative stress via accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicle, which causes hair to bleach itself from the inside out.

The report notes that the enormous accumulation of hydrogen peroxide can be cured with a proprietary treatment developed by the researchers described as a topical, ultraviolet B-activated — sunlight — compound PC-KUS, a modified pseudocatalase.

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35 Reasons You Should Never Be Without Vinegar

Gaye Levy
Activist Post

I love vinegar. It is non-toxic, inexpensive and with the addition of a few drops of essential oil, it even smells good. Of course you can not use it in cooking that way but heck, cooking with vinegar is way down there on my list of uses.

My favorite use? Easy. Vinegar is the key component in my all purpose DIY cleaner aptly named, Peppermint Juice. More about that later.

But first, I am thrilled to share an article from Joe Marshall also known as ‘Above Average’ Joe at This article is all about vinegar and the 35 reasons why any respectable prepper needs vinegar – and lots of it – in their survival pantry. Follow along and of course, if you see something missing from this list, leave a comment and share your tip with the rest of the Backdoor Survival readers.


Whether you are storing up supplies for hard times or just want to save a little grocery money on cleaning supplies, one thing you should never be without is vinegar.

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Doctors warn that antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea could be 'worse than AIDS'

Doctors are warning that an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhoea, now considered a superbug, has the potential to be as deadly as the AIDS virus.

Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported sexually transmitted infection in North America.  

This particular strain of gonorrhea, known as HO41, was discovered in Japan two years ago in a 31-year-old female sex worker who had been screened in 2009. The bacteria has since been found in Hawaii, California and Norway. 

In a bid to avoid contracting gonorrhea, in particular the HO41 strain, people are encouraged to practice safe sex
In a bid to avoid contracting gonorrhea, in particular the HO41 strain, people are encouraged to practice safe sex

HO41 has so far proved resistant to current antibiotic treatment and so it has been placed in the superbug category.

‘This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly,’ Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine told CNBC.

Nearly 30 million people have died from AIDS related causes worldwide, but Christianson believes the effect of the gonorrhea bacteria is more direct. 
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Where to live for better health

( — DID you know you can prevent health problems by simply changing location?
Some medical conditions are better suited to certain geographic regions than others.
We take a look at seven health concerns and the best places to avoid them.

Omega-3, Other Supplements Cut Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds

MONDAY, April 29, 2013 — Supplements such as omega-3 capsules reduced heart disease risk when "prescribed" along with diet and lifestyle advice, according to a study published today. But it remains unclear how much and for whom the supplements help.

Researchers from Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre looked at 207 people, half of whom only received traditional care, such as cholesterol and blood pressure medications; half of whom received diet and lifestyle advice and naturopathic care as well, which included natural health products such as omega-3 fatty acids and coenzyme Q10.
After one year, the researchers found that those who received naturopathic treatment were at a 17 percent decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, based on their Framingham score — a scale that uses age, gender, cholesterol levels and blood pressure to determine the level of risk for cardiovascular disease.

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Who decides what's 'normal' in medicine?

Overview of the thyroid system (See Wikipedia:...
Overview of the thyroid system (See Wikipedia:Thyroid). To discuss image, please see Talk:Human body diagrams (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When you go to the doctor and he does tests, ever wonder how “normal” is determined?
Ideally normal should be “optimal.” But, what is optimal for you is not always optimal for me. And, sadly, how we determine “normal” in standard medicine has nothing to do with what would make our bodies’ the healthiest.

Take thyroid levels for example. When labs “norm” the studies, they get volunteers – many times hospital and/or lab employees, ask them if they are well that day and make them part of the random sample. Now, of the 50 or so employees used to norm the test, some may not be normal. In fact, due to genetic drift, lack of iodine in the diet, bromine exposure and other factors, a great number of people’s thyroids are not working normally, and they are actually hypothyroid, but haven’t been diagnosed as such. Nevertheless, these abnormal people become part of the pool of people to determine the normal range of thyroid. Therefore the “normal” range actually is skewed to the abnormal.

Continuing with the case of thyroid, TSH is a measure of thyroid function, and as the thyroid fails the TSH gets bigger, We know from studies in the heart as well as bench analysis that if the TSH is above 1, the thyroid function – its effects on different body tissues, is abnormal. Cardiac output, the ability of the heart to pump blood diminishes with a TSH above 1. Yet our lab range of “normal” continues to be 0.4 to 4.5 – a range so broad as to include a lot of sick people.

Secondly, take the numbers for male testosterone levels. Lets say a normal 25-year-old has a testosterone of over 150 on average, a level found in young, virile, healthy males. Now you, the patient, are a 55-year-old male who has noticed lack of energy, increasing abdominal girth, inability to get benefit from working out and loss of libido. You just don’t feel like yourself.
So you go to your doctor and ask, “Doc, could it be my testosterone level?”

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Prevention and Treatment of Vaccine Damages

Dr. Mark Sircus
Activist Post

Cruelty toward babies starts at birth. It really starts before birth but that is another tale. Many parents have heard horror stories, and have serious doubts about vaccinating. Even that first injection of vitamin K is not without risk and danger. This article is for parents in the situation where they are forced into a corner for one of many reasons and feel like they have to vaccinate their children.

Often one parent is against and the other for vaccination. In the context of Humane Pediatrics it is strongly advised to avoid vaccines altogether so as to avoid the threatening edifice of medical and health complications that can stem from them. It should be obvious to the humane among us that it is also to avoid a type of suffering we should not wish on our dearest enemies – that of having to deal with a vaccine-damaged child.

This is also for adults who might have to take a vaccination to travel or for healthcare workers in hospitals and others in the military who are given little to no choice. You could find yourself someday with the army at the door and you better roll up your sleeve real quick and try to smile while you are freaking out.

Everyone should understand and know what can be done before, during and after vaccination to mitigate collateral damages, which are sometimes quite severe and much more frequent then federal health officials want you to know. Many parents have expressed fear of having their child become autistic, defective or neurologically damaged.

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A Better Test for Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer has been called the most preventable, but least prevented, form of cancer. There are more than 143,000 new cases and about 50,000 deaths from the disease in the U.S. each year, making it second only to lung cancer in annual cancer mortality.
Healthy Ambitions: "I suspect it's a test that everybody in this room is going to want to use when it becomes available," Kevin Conroy, the CEO of Exact Sciences, recently told a group of investors.
If people over 50 adhere to medical-screening guidelines and get colonoscopies every 10 years, the odds of dying from colon cancer are very low because doctors can see and remove precancerous growths during the exam. It can take a decade or more for these precancerous polyps to turn into cancer. However, half of all Americans over 50 don't follow screening recommendations. Many never get colon exams because of cost, inconvenience, fear, or dislike of the unpleasant bowel-cleansing substances they must consume before the examination. So, more than half of colon cancers are diagnosed at a late stage, when death rates can be high, in part because the most common screening test—a check for blood in stool—isn't good at detecting precancerous growths.

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1st do no harm, but mistreat to death

a woman who was not sick, had no disease and at 93 was living alone and taking full care of herself.
It was no surprise she might have said she wanted to die. She always said she’d rather be dead than spend her life in a hospital with no privacy, with strangers pushing, probing and poking her.

The priest and the hospital took her literally.

The system was against her because she was just too old to live.

She gave up and died, even as family were arranging outside care.

This happened just before Obamacare kicked in, full force.

Be very afraid of what it will be like, when all medicine is computerized and patients are ignored.
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