Leeches sucked away my aches and pains! Sceptical?

But, as it turns out, the leeches aren’t too thrilled at the prospect either. Maryam had already warned me not to use any heavy perfumes or body lotions as their smell can repel the leeches, stopping them from attaching. I had showered that morning in nothing but warm water but the leeches still weren’t keen. I’ve faced rejection in my time, but being snubbed by a leech is a new low.

‘Sometimes leeches just don’t take to a person,’ says Maryam. ‘It might be your shampoo, what you ate last night, or it could be that your blood is too thick or too sweet. They like the taste of salt though, so sweaty people are good.’

As my neck has been rejected, Maryam tries to attach a leech to my right hand. Being a writer means I have a repetitive strain injury in my wrist that is getting worse. Maryam assures me the leeches will sort it out — again thanks to their pain- relieving chemicals.

A leech eventually sinks its teeth in, and I feel a sharp nip like a bee sting. It’s quickly joined by another thirsty companion. This being my first treatment, I am only permitted to have two leeches as I am expected to bleed for a long time afterwards.

As you have more treatments, your body builds up immunity to the leeches’ chemicals, meaning you can subject yourself to a greater number. Maryam’s tells me her most regular client has 70 attached all over his body in a single session.

Demi Moore, 51, travels to Austria for the leech therapy she credits for her youthful looks
Demi Moore, 51, travels to Austria for the leech therapy she credits for her youthful looks

While I’m being eaten alive, Maryam explains that the leeches are a specially bred medical variety and supplied by a farm in Wales. They are hermaphrodites, meaning they have male and female reproductive parts, and each one has 300 tiny teeth and three sets of jaws.

At the end of their sucking session, each leech has consumed 50ml of my blood. I imagine they feel like I do after a big meal, when I need to undo the top button of my jeans and lie down on the sofa. 

One of them falls away naturally but the other — greedy so-and-so — refuses to budge and has to be encouraged off by Maryam with a firm yank.

The bad news for the leeches is that, for hygiene reasons, this feast  is their last supper as they are only used once then disposed of with a generous sprinkling of kitchen salt, which makes them shrivel and die.  

After they’re removed, the blood flows and my hand is heavily bandaged to mop up the damage. Maryam tells me I should expect to bleed for 12 hours.

The next day, the wound is still wet but the bleeding has stopped. The leeches have each left a distinct Y-shaped mark where they sunk their teeth in — it truly looks as though I’ve been bitten by a vampire.

A fortnight after the treatment, the marks have still not faded — but my wrist has not hurt once. I’m currently writing a book and have been typing on my laptop more than ever yet I’ve not had a single twinge. Nothing.

Maybe it’s just the strangest of coincidences or maybe those slippery little suckers really do possess magical, if yucky, healing powers. I, for one, am convinced. 
For more information see  londonleechtherapy.com

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2555357/Leeches-sucked-away-aches-pains-Sceptical-So-Claudia-Connell-tried-latest-health-fad.html#ixzz2srqqAO9E
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Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

Probiotics can help your stomach feel better, but can they “slim” your stomach too?

It’s been hypothesized that gut bacteria influence weight. The overuse of antibiotics has been linked to weight gain, and studies have shown differences in the flora of obese and thin animals.1

Researchers in Quebec wanted to test this hypothesis by giving overweight people probiotics, and the results were somewhat of a surprise. Ready?

Women Taking Probiotics Lost Weight   More>>

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Why Sex is Good For You

Having more sex could not only make us feel good, it could provide far-reaching health benefits. 

Unfortunately we are having less of it - on average we have sex fewer than five times a month, compared to six-and-a-half times 20 years ago, according to the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles.

Yet studies have linked regular sexual activity to emotional well-being, reduced migraine pain and even a lower risk of prostate cancer.

A Canadian study last month found that half-an-hour of sexual activity could burn more calories than walking on a treadmill - the researchers claimed sexual activity could be considered significant exercise.

The study measured the sexual activity of 21 couples aged between 18 and 35 - they were monitored using an armband to calculate how many calories the wearer burned, and the intensity of the activity. 

In a typical session lasting 25 minutes, the men burned an average of 100 calories, the women 69. The intensity of the activity was measured in METs (the Metabolic Equivalent of a Task); for men, the average reading was six METs, for women it was 6.6.

It's roughly the same as playing doubles tennis, or walking uphill, for 20 minutes, 33 minutes of golf on a driving range, 40 minutes of yoga or 19 minutes of light rowing.
The Canadian findings chime with past campaigns by the British Heart Foundation, which suggested that 30 minutes of daily sex is as good for you as walking the dog.
See our other stories:

New Concern About Testosterone and Heart Risks

A large new study found that prescription testosterone raised the risk of heart attacks in older men and in middle-aged men with a history of heart disease, prompting some experts on Wednesday to call for more extensive warning labels on the drugs.

The new study is one of several in recent years that have highlighted cardiac problems as a potential side effect of testosterone gels, patches, pellets and injections. The hormone is approved for low testosterone levels and is widely marketed for symptoms of “low T,” including fatigue, low libido and loss of energy. Sales in the last decade have soared.

By itself, the new study, which was not a randomized trial, the gold standard in medical research, “may not tell us very much,” said Dr. Michael Lauer, the director of cardiovascular sciences at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, who was not involved in the study. “But when you put this together with the rest of the medical literature, this tells us that we potentially have a problem.”
The drugs carry no mention of an increased risk on their labels or in their advertising materials, said Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, a senior adviser to the Washington advocacy group Public Citizen. “Given that there have been several studies now, I don’t see how the Food and Drug Administration can justify having no warnings of heart attacks at all,” he said.

In a statement, Andrea Fischer, an F.D.A. spokeswoman, said the agency was reviewing the new findings. “We will communicate any new safety information on testosterone products when our reviews of all new information have been completed,” she said.

The new study, published on Wednesday in the journal PLoS ONE and funded by the National Institutes of Health, tracked about 56,000 older and middle-aged men around the country who were prescribed testosterone between 2008 and 2010. The study looked specifically at their rate of heart attacks in the year before receiving their new prescriptions, and in the three months after.
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Big Pharma and Corporate Media Team Up For Pro-Vaccine Propaganda

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post

Every year, flu vaccine propaganda is ramped up by the pharmaceutical industry and its mouthpiece media, which then gives way to a second round (pun intended) of vaccine propaganda pushing toxic vaccinations for a variety of diseases, only then to be followed by the demonization of nutritional supplements. Around mid-January, rinse and repeat – (flu, childhood vaccine, and anti-supplement propaganda).

Thus, at the end of 2013, the American public was met with an onslaught of fear-mongering propaganda predicting flu pandemics and imminent death if vaccination was not immediately sought. We then saw the major propaganda assault regarding the safety and effectiveness of vitamins and minerals by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Now, in early 2014, we are witnessing another propaganda assault against the “anti-vaccination” movement with claims of increased outbreaks and apocalyptic scenes of sickness.

The latest propaganda push comes not from the medical industry per se, however, but from an organization usually more focused on the spread of globalism, free trade, culture creation, and other domestic/international governmental policies, the Council on Foreign Relations.

5 Natural Products As Good As Prescription Drugs

5 Natural Products As Good As Prescription Drugs
We're a medicated nation. American doctors write more than 4 billion prescriptions for drugs every year to the tune of about $320 billion. Almost 70 percent of us take at least one drug regularly, and according to the Centers for Disease Control, the majority of Americans... [Full Story]

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Teacher reveals the ingredients of normal foods to de-bunk the myth of 'chemical-free living'

They sound like horrific chemicals you'd find in processed food.

But aspartic acid, isoleucine and ethyl butanoate are in fact found in a banana.
Likewise - did you know that when you eat an egg, you're eating glutamic acid, E160e and even formaldehyde?
Chemical world: One of the posters made by chemistry teachers James Kennedy to dispel the fear that has become associated with the word 'chemicals'
Chemical world: One of the posters made by chemistry teachers James Kennedy to dispel the fear that has become associated with the word 'chemicals'

Mr Kennedy said: 'I wanted to show that chemistry isn't artificial and dangerous; but that chemistry is natural and everywhere'
Mr Kennedy said: 'I wanted to show that chemistry isn't artificial and dangerous; but that chemistry is natural and everywhere'

The images below and their list of ingredients were made by James Kennedy, a high school chemistry teacher from Melbourne, Australia. 

He says the aim of the project was to dispel the fear that has become associated with the word 'chemicals'.

He told MailOnline: 'As a high-school chemistry teacher, I made these posters for my students as a visual introduction to our Organic Chemistry course. 

'I wanted to erode the fear that many people have of ‘chemicals’, and demonstrate that nature evolves compounds, mechanisms and structures far more complicated and unpredictable than anything we can produce in the lab.

'These posters aim to show that chemistry isn't artificial and dangerous; but that chemistry is natural and everywhere.
Lack of knowledge: Mr Kennedy and his students trawled medical literature to compile the lists of ingredients
Lack of knowledge: Mr Kennedy and his students trawled medical literature to compile the lists of ingredients

'The chemistry of fun, friendly, everyday objects like bananas is more complicated and more fascinating than that of, say, a bomb.'

He added that chemistry has suffered in recent years from a negative image. 

'Pesticides, poisons, drugs and explosives seem to dominate the public's perceptions of Chemistry while the other sciences bask in a much more positive light.
Mr Kennedy added: 'These posters prove that nature evolves compounds, mechanisms and structures far more complicated and unpredictable than anything we can produce in the lab'
 Mr Kennedy added: 'These posters prove that nature evolves compounds, mechanisms and structures far more complicated and unpredictable than anything we can produce in the lab'

'Mostly, this is because chemistry lacks a charismatic, public teacher like David Attenborough or Brian Cox, who currently inspire students into Biology and Physics, respectively. Chemistry only has Walter White from Breaking Bad, and he's done the industry a great disservice".

He added that all of the information was from reputable sources.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2543944/If-natural-products-ingredients-labe.html#ixzz2rB3K8zwD
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More Scientists Recommend Vitamin D from Sun to Prevent Heart Disease

Heather Callaghan
Activist Post

It is almost impossible to get necessary amounts of vitamin D from our daily diet; a lot of people use megadoses of supplements. UV-B radiation in sunshine is the most important factor in production of vitamin D - which is why so many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in winter months and possibly, more cold viruses.

There are already established health connections to vitamin D and help with diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, mood and much more. But evidence is mounting that vitamin D could be one of the most important factors in preventing heart disease, the number one killer in the U.S.

The trick is, there's a very important reason it must come from the sun, not just supplements.

Scientists say sex encourages the growth of brain cells and improves long-term memory

University of Maryland Logo
University of Maryland Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 Scientists at the University of Maryland found that sex enhanced the number of newly generated neurons in the hippocampus, where memories are made

It gives night classes a whole new meaning.

Having sex makes you smarter, research suggests.

A study found that middle-aged rats made more new brain cells after mating.

Researchers at the University of Maryland also credited frequent sexual activity with increased brainpower.

However, the benefits to the brain were lost if the creatures stopped mating.


The study found that middle-aged rats made more new brain cells after mating.
Scientists noticed that sex increased the number of newly generated neurons in the hippocampus, where long-term memories are made.

This stimulation of adult neurogenesis - or the development of neurons - is thought to restore cognitive function in middle-aged rats.

However the scientists found that after sexual activity was stopped, the improvements in brain power were lost.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2539416/How-sex-make-smarter-Scientists-say-encourages-growth-brain-cells-improves-long-term-memory.html#ixzz2qSf6t2DE
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