Tobacco 'could help treat cancer'

Tobacco plant
The tobacco plant may provide a cheap vaccine factory
The tobacco plant - responsible for millions of cancer cases - may actually offer the means to treat one form of the disease, a study suggests.
US scientists used the plant to "grow" key components of a cancer vaccine.
The National Academy of Sciences study suggests they could be used to tackle a form of lymphoma. ..Read More
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Vitamins 4 You

Every wondered if you are providing all 
the required nutrients to your body? 
Wondered how you can improve your overall 
 Want to learn about essential vitamins, 
what they do & their food sources?

Vitamins (A, B, C, D..) are widely available 
from the foods & nutrients we eat.
 Vitamins 4 You is an assessment tool for it. 
The app is designed to help you with vitamins 
and supplements that you can add with regular 
meals based on your daily life style.

Improve your diet, health & 
beauty with more knowledge about them. Enjoy!



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Are you hooked on fish oil yet? The natural wonder drug proven to treat a range of conditions

  • Fish oil
    All fish oils contain omega-3s, types of polyunsaturated fatty acid which are essential for health.
  • Fish such as mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines, pilchards and fresh tuna, which are known as oily fish, are the richest sources.
  • Dr Carrie Ruxton, nutritionist for the Health Supplements Information Service, says: ‘There are different types of omega-3 fatty acids, but the key health benefits  are believed to come from the very long chain omega-3s, called docosahexaenoic  acid [DHA] and eicosapentaenoic  acid [EPA].’
  • The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends we eat a minimum of two portions of fish each week, one of which should be an oily fish (one portion is about 140g). This provides a daily intake of 450mg of EPA and DHA.
  • Today many supplements will specify which type they contain and in what concentration.
  • EPA and DHA have different roles in the body. Dr Ruxton says: ‘Studies suggest DHA is more important for the brain, retina and infant development, while EPA is more important for vascular health [blood vessels].’
  • ‘The difficulty we have in the UK is that two-thirds of people don’t eat oily fish,’ she says. ‘The main source of long chain omega-3s in the diet is oily fish, and if we can’t get them from that, we need to consider a supplement to top up our diet.’
 CHOOSE THE RIGHT ONE                                                                                          
  • Fish oil supplements
    Supplements fall into three categories: fish oil, cod liver oil and krill oil. Which one you choose will depend on how much money you want to spend and what benefit you’re trying to get.
  •  Shona Wilkinson, head nutritionist at The Nutri Centre, says: ‘Cod liver oil comes direct from the liver, whereas fish oil comes from the flesh of oily fish. Krill are shrimp-like crustaceans that live in the ocean. The oil found in them contains omega-3s similar to those found in fish oils.’
  • Dr Ruxton says: ‘If you’re on a budget, cod liver oil or a standard omega-3 are the ones to go for. You don’t need to buy the most expensive brands to get the basic benefits. If you have a specific condition and need a high dose or are pregnant and don’t want the Vitamin A, the cost will go up.’
  • Cod liver oil generally has lower levels of EPA and DHA but also differs from fish oil as it naturally provides Vitamin A, which is important for good eyesight and healthy skin, and Vitamin D for bone and immune health. Cod liver oil isn’t suitable for use during pregnancy as it provides too much Vitamin A.
  • Dr Ruxton’s advice is not to look at the total amount of omega-3s when choosing a supplement, but at the total amount of EPA and DHA combined that a supplement provides. This should add up to 450mg per day.
  •  ‘Algae supplements for vegetarians also contain EPA and DHA – fish have EPA and DHA in their flesh in the first place because they feed on algae,’ says Dr Ruxton. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is another omega-3 fatty acid, which is plant-based and found in dietary sources such as vegetable, rapeseed and flaxseed oils. Our bodies can convert ALA into EPA and DHA but the process depends on how much EPA and DHA you take as well.
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Shift Work Linked to Heart Attacks

Overview of biological circadian clock in huma...
Overview of biological circadian clock in humans. Biological clock affects the daily rhythm of many physiological processes. This diagram depicts the circadian patterns typical of someone who rises early in morning, eats lunch around noon, and sleeps at night (10 p.m.). Although circadian rhythms tend to be synchronized with cycles of light and dark, other factors - such as ambient temperature, meal times, stress and exercise - can influence the timing as well. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Shift work, which disrupts the body clock (circadian rhythm), has long been associated with health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, but its link with vascular disease has been less clear. But a new study published on, found that shift work is associated with an increased risk of major vascular problems, such as heart attacks and strokes. 

The study is the largest analysis of shift work and vascular risk to date, and it has implications for public policy and occupational medicine, say the authors. 

In the study, a team of international researchers analyzed the results of 34 studies involving over 2 million individuals to investigate the association between shift work and major vascular events. Shift work was defined as evening shifts, irregular or unspecified shifts, mixed schedules, night shifts, and rotating shifts. Control groups were non-shift (day) workers or the general population.
Differences in study design and quality were taken into account to minimize bias.

Read more: Shift Work Linked to Heart Attacks
Important: At Risk For A Heart Attack? Find Out Now.
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Memory Excercises

Memory learning catches a lot of flack these days. Informed educators are often quick to write off rote memorization as an unnecessary and even harmful exercise, instead preferring to teach creativity and problem solving. While we agree that creative, analytical lessons are a great way to learn, it’s worth pointing out that memorization can still play an important role in learning, no matter your age. Read on to find 10 great benefits of memorization in school and beyond.
  1. Memorization trains your brain to remember:

    Although memorizing lines of poetry may not feel particularly essential, it’s an important task for training your brain to remember things. This type of memorization task exercises your brain, giving it strength to retain more information. Memorizing passages or poetry over time (rather than cramming) is a very effective way to make your brain more receptive to remembering.
  2. Memorization challenges your brain:

    Just like when you work out at a gym, consistent and challenging exercise is the key to staying brain fit. Challenges like memorization are a very useful way to work out your brain for better mental health.
  3. Rote learning improves neural plasticity:

    Irish researchers found that through extended exercises in rote learning, learners can actually recall more information overall. Rote learning benefits the hippocampal foundation, a key structure in the brain for episodic and spatial memory in humans. In their group of participants aged 55-70, these researches noted that repeated activation of memory structures promotes neuronal plasticity in the aging brain.


Beware Dr Google! People who use internet to diagnose illness 'can't interpret their own symptoms'

Many people may believe that the internet has made it easier for us to discover what is wrong when we are sick.

But new research suggests that using Google to diagnose illnesses could in fact be a very bad way of getting appropriate medical treatment.

Of course, a rigorously trained doctor is likely to give a much more accurate diagnosis than the average web user seeking answers from the internet.

But in addition, scientists have warned that individuals do particularly poorly when asked to work out their own chances of having any particular ailment.

Be careful! Scientists warn that self-diagnosis via the internet can be dangerous (picture posed by model)
Be careful! Scientists warn that self-diagnosis via the internet can be dangerous (picture posed by model)

This misdiagnosis takes two main forms - self-positivity, where we overestimate the risks of falling prey to an illness, and self-negativity, where the opposite is the case.
For example, according to NBC News, people may interpret symptoms which in someone else might seem like indigestion as a sign they are having a heart attack.
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