Tinnitus ~ From Long Covid? Linked to Insulin Issues? Try This Remedy!

 Do you suffer with Tinnitus? 

What is Tinnitus exactly? And can it be a symptom brought on from Covid-19? Dr. Mercola explores the topic at hand and also Dr. Eric Berg has two great videos on Tinnitus and a remedy worth trying. 

Nonstop Ear Ringing: Can COVID-19 Lead to Tinnitus? – Dr. Mercola

STORY AT-A-GLANCE Since the start of 2020, people who have gotten COVID-19 have not all recovered immediately. Some have experienced symptoms for several weeks or months after recovering from the infection. These symptoms have been called chronic COVID, long COVID, long-haul syndrome, long-haul COVID, and post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC). One of the symptoms is tinnitus, or a consistent ringing in the ears. Doctors have also noticed that the constellation of symptoms from long COVID is strikingly similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS. Nonstop Ringing: Can COVID-19 Lead to Tinnitus? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  Fact Checked Tinnitus is a noise you hear in one or both ears triggered inside the auditory system; it is a symptom of an abnormality or injury and not a specific disease  Tinnitus is one symptom of long COVID and from the COVID shot. How the symptom is triggered is still being studied; the virus can infect inner ear cells and the spike protein can disrupt blood supply to the sensitive structures responsible for hearing 

Dr. Berg has done some important research on the topic and also will show you a remedy that is helping people either get rid of the debilitating noise or help lessen the symptoms. 

Tinnitus "Ringing in the Ears" is an Insulin Problem – Dr. Berg

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