What can LEGALLY be in your Pet's Dog Food?
dehydrated garbage (you read that right)
polyethylene roughage (plastic)
hydrolyzed poultry feathers
hydrolyzed hair
hydrolyzed leather meal
some 36 chemical preservatives
peanut skins and hulls
corn cob fractions
ground corn cob
ground clam shells
poultry, cow and pig feces and litter
hundreds of chemicals
a host of antibiotic and chemotherapeutic pharmaceuticals
a variety of synthetic flavorings
anticaking agents MORE
Is organic food really worth the extra cost?
Courtesy of the USDA
Only growers that have been certified by an independent certifying body may carry the USDA organic seal, shown here. Growers must refrain from using chemicals for at least three years and supply thorough documentation of their organic practices.
Chart by Lisa Watson. Data from
“New evidence confirms the nutritional superiority of plant-based
organic foods,” by Charles Benbrook, et. al. The Organic Center, March
Studies show that organic fruits and vegetables are more likely to have higher levels of nutrients than their conventionally grown counterparts.
Sales of organic products have skyrocketed in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. People associate organic food with better health, local growers, lower pesticide levels, humane treatment of animals and sounder environmental practices.
But the National Organic Program, which regulates the process of growing organic food, is actually a marketing program within the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The government stops short of making any scientific claims that organic food is safer or more nutritious than conventional foods. So with the price of food continuing to increase in recent months, shoppers are wondering if organics are really worth the extra cost.
Experts confirm that organic fruits and vegetables probably are better for the environment, and they’re often a good way of ensuring you get fresh fruit. But although a recent meta-study on organic nutrition levels showed a higher level of some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, experts are divided on whether that translates to better health.
What makes it organic? MORE
Nitrites and cancer
Research from China suggests that even low levels of nitrites in drinking water can cause cancer. Why is the West ignoring the evidence? asks Oliver Tickell
The possibility of a link between nitrite in drinking water and cancer was first noted in 1970. To this day the view of the western ‘scientific establishment’ remains that the effects of nitrite – and the related substance nitrate – are well understood and there’s not much for us to worry about, though it is a good idea to eat less bacon and other preserved meats.
But Chinese scientists are reaching a very different view: that nitrite in drinking water is closely linked with cancer incidence and mortality. Indeed, nitrite pollution may be responsible for up to half of all cancer deaths in developed countries – even when nitrite and nitrate levels are within legal limits.
MoreHow to protect yourself from drug errors
More than 1.5 million Americans are injured every year by mistakes involving their medications. Patients can help protect themselves and their loved ones by following these steps:
- Make sure that all of your doctors know about everything you are taking. More
Closing arguments to begin in Ala. drug price suit
MONTGOMERY, Ala. Lawyers will begin closing
arguments in the trial of the state of Alabama's lawsuit against two
prescription drug companies, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline.
The lawyers for Alabama are
seeking $400 million from the drug companies. The state's attorneys argued the
companies committed fraud by causing the state's Medicaid program to
pay too much for prescription drugs from 1991 to 2005.
Attorneys for the drug companies say that they did not commit fraud.
The trial is the second on more than 70 lawsuits filed by the state against pharmaceutical companies.
Obesity surgery requires no knife - UPDATED
Brigham and Women's Hospital, in a first-of-its kind medical trial, has performed a weight-loss procedure that does not require any cutting, offering the possibility of a safer, less traumatic operation to help address the nation's obesity epidemic.More..
Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass Surgery May Protect Against Infection And Cancer
ScienceDaily (June 17, 2008) — Another health benefit of bariatric weight-loss surgery may be a heightened immune defense against cancer and infections, a new study suggests.
"Obesity is related to a higher rate of infections and some types of cancer," said a study coauthor, Alfredo Halpern, PhD, of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. "Nevertheless, there are only a few published studies evaluating the immune function in severely obese patients and the effect of surgery-induced weight loss on these parameters."
Halpern and his co-workers therefore studied the effect of weight loss on immune function in 28 morbidly obese patients who had traditional "stomach-stapling" (Roux-en-Y) gastric bypass surgery. The 20 women and eight men lost an average of 78.5 pounds 6 months after gastric bypass. This operation permanently reduces the size of the stomach and bypasses part of the intestines, thus restricting food intake and food absorption.
Before and 6 months after the surgery, the researchers evaluated patients' blood samples for natural killer (NK) cells, which play a critical role in controlling infections and cancer. Specifically, they measured the number of NK cells and the cells' capacity to kill infected cells or tumor cells. They also looked at the production of certain cytokines, proteins that are essential to the immune response.
Although the number of NK cells did not increase with surgically induced weight loss, their activity changed, Halpern said. Before surgery, NK cells mounted a weak immune defense, but after surgery their activity increased by nearly 79 percent, representing an improvement in the effective immune response and, possibly, in the ability to fight cancer and infections.
The response of cytokines involved in NK cell activity also changed after weight loss, possibly affording higher protection against infection and cancer, the researchers found. Cytokines analyzed were interferon-gamma and interleukins 2, 12 and 18.
Prior studies have shown that bariatric surgery has many health benefits, including resolution of type 2 diabetes, improved blood pressure and lower risk of premature death. This study shows another possible benefit of the weight loss stemming from bariatric surgery.
"It may help protectagainst infections and cancer by improving the activity of certain immune cells," Halpern said.
He said the impaired NK cell function evident in extremely obese people may even explain their propensity to develop infections and cancer.
Cancers that research has linked to obesity include colon, breast, endometrial, kidney and esophageal cancers, according to the National Cancer Institute.
The results will be presented at The Endocrine Society's 90th Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) funded this study.
Implanted Device Offers Option To Gastric Surgery
Rochester, MN (AHN) - A new implantable medical device called VBLOCTM vagal blocking therapy is the latest answer to gastric bypass surgery and other weight loss measures.
Developed in collaboration with Mayo Clinic researchers, the device helped patients lose an average of nearly 15 percent of their excess weight.
The device was put on in a six-month, open-label trial involving three medical centers in Australia, Mexico, and Norway. It was tested on 31 obese participants who were not put on any restricted diets or given counselling that typically accompanies gastric banding or bypass.
According to findings published in the current issue of the journal Surgery, a quarter of the participants lost more than 25 percent of their excess weight, and three patients lost more than 30 percent.
The plus point of the therapy is that it is reversible and a less extreme alternative to existing bariatric surgeries, a press release said.
VBLOC therapy uses high-frequency electricity to block the nerve impulses between the brain and the stomach and pancreas. Lead wires are implanted in the abdomen with electrodes attached to the vagal nerves and the neuroregulator, a pacemaker-sized device, is implanted just under the skin.
Unlike gastric bypass, the VBLOC delivery system can be removed and it also does not damage or permanently affect the vagal nerves or digestive system.
Amazing New Procedure For Weight Loss!
Athletes use Viagra for a competitive edge, experts say
LONDON — Athletes looking for a performance boost are increasingly turning to a little blue pill more usually taken for its off-the-field benefits: Viagra.
Some sports authorities say the drug is now finding a following among athletes. It isn't clear how many might be taking it in hopes of improving athletic performance, but stashes of the drug have reportedly been found among some professional athletes.
The World Anti-Doping Agency is currently studying Viagra's effects in athletes, but hasn't yet banned it. Experts are divided over whether it actually offers athletes an edge.
"It's possible," said Anthony Butch, director of the Olympic Analytical laboratory at the University of California Los Angeles, a WADA-accredited facility. More
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Athletes' dirty little secret: Viagra
Viagra's other benefitsA new study points to the possibility that erectile dysfunction drugs could help improve cognition in Alzheimer's patients. As Helen Palmer reports, the application could help revive flagging sales of ED drugs.source: http://marketplace.publicradio.org
Viagra Yields Benefits To Mother And Fetus In Hypertensive PregnancyPrayer as healing source
Five tips for finding the best cardiologist for you
Urinary Tract Infections
This topic is about urinary tract infections in teens and adults. For information about infections in babies and young children, see the topic Urinary Tract Infections in Children.
What is a urinary tract infection?Your urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It includes your bladder and kidneys and the tubes that connect them. When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection.
Most urinary tract infections are bladder infections. A bladder infection usually is not serious if it is treated right away. If you do not take care of a bladder infection, it can spread to your kidneys. A kidney infection is serious and can cause permanent damage.
What causes urinary tract infections? MorePurslane, the weed you should eat!
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
Purslane is also known as Little Hogweed which is the official vernacular name and Pusley..
Plant Type: This is a non-native succulent, it is a annual which can reach 40cm in height (16inches). It has smooth, reddish, mostly prostrate stems.
Leaves: The leaves are alternate. Each succulent leaf is entire and the leaves are clustered at stem joints and ends.
Flowers: The flowers have 5 Regular Parts and are up to 0.6cm wide (0.25 inches). They are yellow. Blooms first appear in late spring and continue into mid fall. The flowers open singly at the center of the leaf cluster for only a few hours on sunny mornings.
Fruit: Seeds are formed in a tiny pod the lid of which opens when the seeds are ready.
Habitat: Gardens and disturbed areas.
Range: Almost all of North America.
This common, introduced, 'weed' comes to us from India or the Middle East but is a close relative of several less common native plants. Rooting easily from cut stems and with the ability to mature the seeds even after the plant has been pulled it is a difficult plant to remove from gardens.
Lore: Purslane is a good edible and is eaten throughout much of Europe and Asia. It can be eaten fresh or cooked and has no bitter taste at all. Since it has a mucilaginous quality it is great for soups and stews.
Medical Uses: Purslane contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant we know of. The most common dietary source of Omega-3s are cold water fish like Salmon. Omega-3s aid the body in the production of compounds that effect blood pressure, clotting, the immune system, prevent inflammation, lower cholesterol (LDL), prevent certain cancers and control coronary spasms. In addition recent studies suggest that Omega- 3s may have positive effects on the brain and may aid in such conditions as depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and migraines. Though very beneficial, there are few good dietary sources other than seafood for Omaga-3s. (Some oils, nuts, grains and other leafy vegetables do contain Omega-3s)
Drugs Doctors Won’t Take – And Neither Should You
Although the Physician’s Desk Reference sits on the desk of almost every doctor, it may be dusty from neglect. And if your doctor continues to prescribe the same drugs year after year without checking out his PDR or keeping up with breaking research on newly discovered dangers for commonly-prescribed drugs, your doctor could accidentally send you home with a prescription that could be deadly. Some old, formerly trusted drugs are so dangerous doctors say they wouldn’t take them. Are the deadly drugs in your medicine cabinet? Here’s a list of drugs docs say they wouldn’t take:MORE
Those with low vitamin D twice as likely to die
CHICAGO - New research linking low vitamin D levels with deaths from heart disease and other causes bolsters mounting evidence about the "sunshine" vitamin's role in good health.
Patients with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D were about two times more likely to die from any cause during the next eight years than those with the highest levels, the study found. The link with heart-related deaths was particularly strong in those with low vitamin D levels.MORE
Turmeric May Combat Obesity and Diabetes
6 Great Foods for Men
Listen up, guys. If you’d like to improve your mood, memory, muscles, and more, forget expensive and potentially risky supplements. Just head to your local supermarket. You’ll find foods that help prevent age-related health conditions. As an added bonus, they all taste great and are easy to incorporate into your diet.
Sardines For Heart Health
Ounce for ounce, sardines are one of the best sources for heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and are extremely low in contaminants such as mercury and PCBs. They’re also eco-friendly, packed with protein, and low in saturated fat. Canned versions are inexpensive, portable, and don’t require refrigeration. Choose no-salt-added brands, and keep the bones in for a third of your recommended daily calcium. Sardines are great on salads or layered on top of whole-grain crackers.
Read More...Colors of Health
The secret to youthful skin, healthy bones, sharp memory, and disease prevention can be found in your fridge. The more colorful your diet, the more antioxidants you get. These compounds reduce overall cellular damage and prevent the hardening of the arteries that can lead to heart disease, stroke, even memory loss. "Every hue--green, yellow, orange, red, purple, and even white--signifies a different class of nutrients, each of which offers a unique benefit," explains USDA research chemist Ronald Prior, PhD, who was among the first researchers to measure the antioxidants in food that protect us as we age. For instance:
Cook Like Your Life Depends On it!
Piling your shopping cart high with healthful staples like veggies, fish, and lean meat? Great! Now, take it to the next level. It's what you do with those fantastic foods once you bring them home that transforms them into real nutritional superstars. Take the tomato: Eat it cooked instead of raw and you'll get as much as 171% more of the cancer-fighting compound lycopene. "Even one little change in the kitchen can result in a huge health payoff," says Robin Plotkin, RD, a Dallas-based nutritionist. Follow our simple rules for cooking smarter and amp up the disease-fighting power of every meal.
Read More...Bye Bye Banana - Are they going away?
Bananas Represent Everything That Is Wrong With Our Food System
Ever wonder why bananas are the cheapest fruit in the supermarket? It makes no sense. They're grown thousands of miles away by steely imperialist multinational corporations, and spoil within two weeks. A Times Op-Ed argues that bananas are on their way out, and may disappear entirely from store shelves in the next twenty years. More »
Watch out for Scams! Kinoki foot pads: Sucking away toxins or just your money?
By Paige West, director of interactive projects
What it is: Kinoki Detox Foot Pads; $19.99; www.buykinoki.com
What it claims to do: The foot pads collect “harmful toxins” from your body while you sleep, says the manufacturer, by “cleansing and detoxifying your skin’s outer layers,” boosting your energy level and improving your health and wellness.
My experience: I was surfing the Web on a rainy Seattle night with the TV on in the background when whatever late-night show I’d been watching ended and suddenly, images of a woman in a kimono filled the screen as a voice-over told me about an ancient Japanese secret that would give me better health and well-being. The claims were so fantastic that it took me a while to decide whether I was watching a satirical sketch or an ad for a real product.
The item in question? The Kinoki Detox Foot Pad – and it’s real, all right. CONTINUED >>
Study backs carb-packed ‘big breakfast’ diet
Getty Images stock
Women who ate a big breakfast reported feeling less hungry, especially before lunch, and having fewer cravings for carbs than women on the low-carb diet.
To lose weight and keep it off, eat a big breakfast packed with carbohydrates and protein, then follow a low-carb, low-calorie diet the rest of the day, a small study suggests.
The "big breakfast" diet works, researchers say, because it controls appetite and satisfies cravings for sweets and starches. It's also healthier than popular low-carb diets because it allows people to eat more fiber- and vitamin-rich fruit, according to Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, of the Hospital de Clinicas in Caracas, Venezuela.
She told the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in San Francisco that she's successfully used this diet in her patients for more than 15 years.More
Protect your fertility
Getty Images stock
Not quite ready to be a mom? There's plenty you can do to help keep your body in peak baby-making form until the time is right.
You've yet to hear a single tick-tock, but lurking beneath your killer abs is a biological clock that will start buzzing eventually — and you can only hit the snooze button so many times.
So whatdo you do if you're not ready to push out a baby right this second but think you'll want to become a mom someday?
Luckily, fertility isn't a total crapshoot. And though you can't put off pregnancy indefinitely (despite exceptions like Marcia Cross, your odds of conceiving drop substantially after age 35), there's plenty you can do to help keep your body in peak baby-making form.More
Why Brain Surgeons Are Avoiding Cell Phones
Last week, three prominent neurosurgeons told CNN interviewer Larry King that they did not hold cell phones next to their ears. Dr. Keith Black, Dr. Vini Khurana, and CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta all maintained that the practice could be unsafe.
Along with Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s recent diagnosis of a glioma, a type of tumor that critics have long associated with cell phone use, the doctors’ remarks have helped reignite the debate about cell phones and cancer.
Cancer patient recovers after injection of immune cells
A cancer patient has made a full recovery after being injected with billions of his own immune cells in the first case of its kind, doctors have disclosed.
The 52-year-old, who was suffering from advanced skin cancer, was free from tumours within eight weeks of undergoing the procedure.
Telegraph view: Cancer breakthrough |
After two years he is still free from the disease which had spread to his lymph nodes and one of his lungs.
Doctors took cells from the man's own defence system that were found to attack the cancer cells best, cloned them and injected back into his body, in a process known as "immunotherapy".
Experts said that the case could mark a landmark in the treatment of cancer.
Human ovulation captured on film for the First Time!
No Higher Death Risk Tied to Coffee
Previous studies have given a mixed picture of health effects from coffee, finding a variety of benefits and some drawbacks from the popular drink. The new study looked at people who drank caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee.
Treating An Enlarged Prostate
Christine Webb, Your Health And Fitness
Millions of men suffer from a prostate condition that is easily treated.
Wayne Saker is a busy financial investor, so getting a good night's sleep is important.
But his routine was disrupted when he experienced symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
“Once you experience it, it's a very serious condition because if you get up four to six times a night, it definitely effects your next day you're tired, you're drawn out,” said Saker.
Wayne's problems cleared up in a couple of days after he took a prescription medication.
He also learned this is something millions of men suffer from.
“It's fairly common for most men over 50. In fact we even see some cases of men in their 30s and 40s have some degree of what we call BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia,” said Dr. Jacques Carter, from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Aging and hormonal stimulation cause the prostate gland to swell, which in turn squeezes the bladder and urethra.
“On occasion the symptoms are bad enough that you have significant obstruction. You have people who can't void at all,” said Carter.
But Carter said medication helps most patients, as does watching your weight, eating a healthy diet and limiting fluid intake at bed time.
By age 50, about half of all men have some form of enlarged prostate.
The Most Essential Nutrients for a Strong Sex Drive
* Vitamin A helps regulate the synthesis of the sex hormone progesterone, which is important for that loving feeling.
* B-Vitamins are crucial for reacting and responding to our lovers, and for flow of blood to the sex organs.
* Vitamin B1 is essential for optimal nerve transmission and energy production throughout the body, which is vital to increase libido.
* Vitamin B-3 can enhance the sexual flush, increase blood flow to the skin and mucous membranes, and intensify the orgasm!
* Vitamin B-6 is integral because it controls elevated prolactin, a libido enhancer.
* Vitamin E is known as the king (or queen) of sex vitamins, and is sure to spice up your sex life.
* Vitamin C is important for the synthesis of hormones that are involved in sexuality and getting turned on.
* Magnesium is important for the production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters that modulate the urge down there.
* Selenium is imperative for sperm production and mobility. Nearly half of the selenium in a man's body is in the testes and seminal ducts. Men lose selenium in their semen.
* Zinc is required for the production of testosterone and other sexual hormones. The zinc content of the prostate gland and sperm is higher than in any other body tissues. It is equally vital for the women.
* Essential Fatty Acids are the building blocks for the production of sex hormones. They also help the body store the vitamins that keep us sexually active and full of desire.
* Vitamin D deficiency may leave your sex life cold and grey, while plenty of this most amazing vitamin will bring out the hots. Make sure you get plenty of sunlight whenever possible, as this is one of the best sources.
About the authorSheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practitioner.
Her website www.younglivingguide.com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous.
7 Reasons Men Die First
1. Males are burdened with natural genetic deficits.
2. The womb is more treacherous for boys.
3. Males are more likely to have developmental disorders.
4. They're biologically more prone to risky behavior.
5. A "suck-it-up" culture means men often languish with depression.
6. Men choose more dangerous occupations.
7. Coronary artery disease strikes men early.
MOREWhat Happened to Russert
The science of sudden cardiac arrest.
Journalists and politicians across the country were in shock Friday afternoon at news that Tim Russert, the prominent and beloved NBC correspondent, had collapsed and died suddenly of a heart attack in the network's Washington office. Russert had previously been been diagnosed with several risk factors for a sudden heart attack, including coronary artery disease and diabetes. But his death is still a sad reminder that cardiac arrest can strike anyone without warning—and that when it does, it is often fatal. More
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Men are notorious for not going to the doctor. Empowered Patient lists five symptoms men ignore -- sometimes until it's too late.
Date palm from ancient Israel springs to life
A Judean date palm, long extinct, has been "brought back to life" by scientists who unearthed a 2,000 year-old seed of the plant and germinated it. A healthy 4-foot-tall seedling, named Methuselah after the oldest living man in the Bible, now holds the record for the oldest germinated seed.
The seed itself, perhaps the last link to the vast date palm forests that once grew in the Jordan River valley, was first discovered in 1965, as archaeologists excavated the ancient Israel site of Masada. Seeds discovered at the site were put into storage for 40 years.
Sarah Sallon, director of the Louis L. Brock Natural Medicine Research Center in Jerusalem, then recruited Dr. Elaine Solowey of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies to help revive the dormant seeds, in hopes of discovering some of the plant's medicinal properties mentioned in historical writings.
In 2005, the date palm now known as Methuselah was planted and sprouted. After it germinated, fragments of the seed shell clinging to the roots were carbon dated, placing the age of the date seeds sometime between 60 B.C. and A.D. 95, about the age expected for a seed that could have survived the famed attack on the Masada fortress described by the ancient historian Josephus. More
Life Expectancy Hits Record High in United States
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Thursday, June 12, 2008; Page A04
Americans' life expectancy reached a record high of 78.1 years in 2006, with disparities among ethnic groups and between the sexes generally narrowing, according to government data released yesterday.
The death rates from most diseases went down, with influenza mortality falling steeply and AIDS mortality marking its 10th straight year of decline. Infant mortality in 2006 also fell from the previous year, continuing a trend stretching back nearly 50 years. More
The Right Diet to Lose Weight
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The obesity epidemic of the past century has mirrored the rise in consumption of processed, devitalized foods. Dr. Weston A. Price's nonindustrialized people, however, did not have weight problems on their traditional diets.
The place to start for losing weight is in switching to a nourishing traditional diet such as those of the populations Price studied. See our Characteristics of Traditional Diets, Dietary Guidelines, Dietary Dangers for a basic starting point. Nourishing Traditions provides a comprehensive nutrition guide and basic cookbook for traditional foods. Lori Lipinski's series on "Making the Transition" also has excellent step-by-step tips for ridding your pantry of processed food and using healthy alternatives.
We do not recommend lowfat diets, high protein diets that restrict fat, vegetarian diets,* or vegan diets. The body needs an abundant supply of the fat-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble activators found only in animal fats. Many of the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables cannot be absorbed without fat, and protein cannot be assimilated without fat. In fact, the body will rob its own precious stores of fat-soluble vitamins in order to digest protein if adequate fat is not eaten with it, which can lead to rapid depletion of these nutrients so necessary for so many biological functions. Price's natives never ate lean meat without the fat.
*Vegetarian diets that include liberal use of eggs and raw dairy products can be healthy for some people. However, childen, people who want to conceive or are pregnant or lactating, and others with compromised health or digestive systems may do poorly on a vegetarian diet.
Reducing simple carbohydrates and increasing saturated fats is the basis for many of the recommendations in the books below. The fatty acids in coconut oil and butter in particular are helpful for weight loss.
For an inspiring account of a formerly obese man who shed his excess weight and returned to radiant health, read A Life Unburdened: Getting Over Weight and Getting On With My Life by Richard Morris.
Some people who switch to a nourishing traditional diet still have difficulty losing weight. This could be do to any number of underlying health issues such as toxic overload from poisons like amalgam (mercury) dental fillings, insulin resistance, and other issues. See our Ask the Doctor About Difficulty Losing Weight column for a perspective on this from Dr. Thomas Cowan. His website The Fourfold Path to Healing (along with his book of the same name) offers help for weight loss. See in particular his Sample Menus for Weight Loss.
BooksThese books may also offer advice that will help with your particular needs.
- The Diet Cure by Julia Ross
- Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD
- The Fourfold Path to Healing by Thomas Cowan, MD
- A Life Unburdened by Richard Morris
- Life Without Bread by Wolfgang Lutz and Christian Allan
- The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin
- The No-Grain Diet by Joseph Mercola
- The Schwarzbein Principle by Diana Schwarzbein
Cod Liver Oil: The Number One Superfood
Several visitors to our website have noted inconsistencies in various statements about vitamin A, vitamin D and cod liver oil. These issues revolve around questions of dosage and safety. Please see Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Cod Liver Oil: Some Clarifications. |
Doctor Price was right, as usual. Cod liver oil is very good for you, more than you ever knew. Research studies ranging from 1918-2001 give cod liver oil an A+ rating. This marvelous golden oil contains large amounts of elongated omega-3 fatty acids, preformed vitamin A and the sunlight vitamin D, essential nutrients that are hard to obtain in sufficient amounts in the modern diet. Samples may also naturally contain small amounts of the important bone- and blood-maintainer vitamin K. More
115-Year-Old's Brain in Top Shape
The woman's brain showed almost no evidence of Alzheimer's disease. The finding suggests Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are not inevitable, as had been suspected.
The results are detailed in the August issue of the journal Neurobiology of Aging. More
Does aspirin prevent heart attacks? Don't believe it!
The drug companies that make and market aspirin have tried hard to convince people that "an aspirin a day keeps the heart attack away."
But, another study has come along to blast a hole in that myth. According to British researchers, the daily aspirin regimen might actually do more harm than good.
Researchers at the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine in London identified more than 5,000 U.K. males, between 45 and 69 years-old, who were at increased risk of coronary heart disease but had not previously had heart trouble.
The men had been randomly divided into four different treatment groups to accurately establish the effect of aspirin.
The men with higher blood pressure not only weren't protected by the aspirin, but they risked possible serious bleeding. Even in men with low blood pressure, the benefit did not necessarily outweigh the risk of bleeding.
In 1988, a research study found that some high risk men who took daily aspirin had fewer heart attacks -- but more strokes. Even the researchers never recommended the once-a-day aspirin regimen.
However, the pharmaceutical industry immediately began a massive press release campaign which distorted the research report. The press releases gave the impression that the daily aspirin was a sure-fire way to prevent heart attacks. The news was picked up by most newspapers and even medical doctors began "prescribing" aspirin as a preventative measure.
Thanks in part to this deceptive marketing campaign, Americans now take more than 25 million aspirin tablets every day, despite the fact that:
1,600 children die each year from allergic reactions to aspirin;
patients with blockage of arteries to the brain are three times more likely to have a stroke if they are taking aspirin;
dyspepsia and gastrointestinal hemorrhage occur in 31% of those taking 300 mgs. of aspirin per day;
even low doses of aspirin can increase the risk of brain hemorrhage; and
other side effects can include anemia, bleeding ulcers, confusion and dizziness and numerous other problems.
SOURCES: "Determination of who may derive most benefit from aspirin in primary prevention: subgroup results from a randomised controlled trial," British Medical Journal, July 1, 2000.
"FDA warns aspirin makers." Science News, March 12, 1988 v133 n11 p165(1).
"The preliminary report of the findings of the aspirin component of the ongoing Physicians' Health Study; the FDA perspective on aspirin for the primary prevention of myocardial infarction." Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) June 3, 1988 v259 n21 p3158(3).
"Don't jump the gun with aspirin; there are surer ways to help prevent (heart attacks), ones that don't increase stroke risk," Medical World News, May 23, 1988 v29 n10 p50(1).
"High-risk pain pills: though their use is regulated, many common pain remedies can be dangerous, particularly if combined with alcohol or other drugs," The Atlantic, Dec. 1989 v264 n6 p36(5).
What Aspirin Does.
Why doctors prescribe aspirin for heart attack prevention
Some Articles:
..........Article #1 Does Aspirin Prevent Heart Attacks? Don't Believe It!
..........Article #2 Second Thoughts About An Aspirin a Day to Prevent Heart Attacks
..........Article #3 The Blinding Truth About an Aspirin a Day
..........Article #4 Aspirin and False Advertising
..........Article #5 Bayer Bribery
..........Article #6 Bayer and War Crimes
..........Article #7 Aspirin Use May be Associated with Increased Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
..........Article #8 ***** All NSAIDs May Be Linked to MI (Heart Attack) Risk ****
..........Article #9 The Dangers of Acetaminophen
Notes and Warnings
Alternatives to Aspirin
Wonder Why a Pill costs $10 Bucks? AstraZeneca spent $770,000 lobbying in 1Q
Drugmaker AstraZeneca PLC spent $770,000 in the first quarter lobbying the U.S. federal government on pharmaceutical issues.
The London-based company lobbied on bills that would allow generic drug companies to sell cheaper copies of biotech drugs. Unlike traditional chemical-based drugs, biotech drugs have never faced generic competition because the Food and Drug Administration lacks authority to approve the cheaper copies. An effort to give FDA that power stalled last year when lawmakers couldn't agree on how many years of patent protection to give biotech firms.More
Organic Milk is Healthier
Editors Note: For an even better view of organic RAW milk, www.realmilk.com. It is worth the read!
Cold Air Boosts Inflammation in Body
Cold air temperature boosts inflammation in the body, a finding that may help explain why cardiovascular-related deaths increase in the winter months, researchers report.
In a study of adults with a history of heart attack, researchers observed that 5 consecutive days of colder weather lead to increased blood levels of two markers of inflammation (C-reactive protein, or CRP, and interleukin-6). Levels of the inflammatory marker fibrinogen rise after only 3 days of cold temperatures, they report. More
Red Yeast Rice Extract Reduces Heart, Cancer Deaths
A clinical study on patients who have suffered a heart attack found that a partially purified extract of Chinese red yeast rice, Xuezhikang (XZK), reduced the risk of repeat heart attacks by 45%, revascularization (bypass surgery/angioplasty), cardiovascular mortality and total mortality by one-third and cancer mortality by two-thirds. The multicenter, randomized, double-blind study, was conducted on almost 5,000 patients, ranging in age from 18-70 over a five-year period at over 60 hospitals in the People’s Republic of China. Corresponding author David M. Capuzzi, M.D., Ph.D, director of the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program at Jefferson’s Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine and Zonliang Lu, M.D., Ph.D, from the Fuwai Hospital at the Chinese Academy of Medical Science report their findings in the June 15th edition of the American Journal of Cardiology.
“It’s very exciting because this is a natural product and had very few adverse side effects including no abnormal blood changes,” said Capuzzi. “People in the Far East have been taking Chinese red yeast rice as food for thousands of years, but no one has ever studied it clinically in a double-blind manner with a purified product against a placebo group until now and we are pleased with the results. However, people in the United States should know that the commercially available over-the-counter supplement found in your average health food store is not what was studied here. Those over-the-counter supplements are not regulated, so exact amounts of active ingredient are unknown and their efficacy has not been studied yet.”
The study looked at patients who had suffered a heart attack in the previous year. Study participants were given two-300-milligram XZK capsules or a placebo and tracked over a five-year period. The XZK capsules contained a combination of lovastatin, lovastatin hydroxyl acid, ergosterol and other components.
“I think it is surprising that a natural product like XZK would have this great an effect,” said Capuzzi. “If further testing and study prove true, my hope is that XZK becomes an important therapeutic agent to treat cardiovascular disorders and in the prevention of disease whether someone has had a heart attack or not. But it is important to recognize the fact we do not know exactly how Chinese red yeast rice works. The exact ingredients from the XZK capsules have not been isolated and studied yet. Still the results were so profound, even out performing statins prescribed in numerous western populations, that further study should certainly be investigated
source NewsMax
Low Vitamin D Levels May Boost Men's Heart Attack Risk
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, analyzed medical records and blood samples from 454 men, aged 40 to 75, who had a nonfatal heart attack or fatal heart disease, and compared them to 900 men who had no history of cardiovascular disease.
Men with a vitamin D deficiency (15 nanograms or less per milliliter of blood) had a higher risk of heart attack than those with a sufficient amount of vitamin D (30 nanograms per milliliter of blood or more).
Read More...BIG BUSINESS--Prescription Drugs
Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies
Transformed Themselves Into Slick Marketing Machines
and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs
By Melody Petersen
In mid-January, Merck and Schering-Plough announced that their cholesterol-lowering drugs Zetia and Vytorin, taken by 5 million people, may in fact increase the risk of heart attacks by encouraging the buildup of arterial plaque. Outraged critics accused the companies of delaying the release of a key study, a charge made compelling by the fact that sales of the two drugs were $5 billion in 2007, a full year after the study was completed.
After the news hit, Merck and Schering-Plough stock prices spiraled down. The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations planned an inquiry. But Merck chief executive Richard Clark stood firm, saying he stood by the safety and efficacy of the "products," both of which remain on the market. MORE
Harvard medics 'concealed drug firm cash'
Harvard University is at the centre of an academic and political scandal after three prominent members of its psychiatry department were accused of breaking conflict-of-interest rules by failing to declare millions of dollars in consulting fees from drugs manufacturers. MORE
Artificial Sweeteners Confound the Brain; May Lead to Diet Disaster
Splenda is not satisfying—at least according to the brain. A new study found that even when the palate cannot distinguish between the artificial sweetener and sugar, our brain knows the difference.
At the University of California, San Diego, 12 women underwent functional MRI while sipping water sweetened with either real sugar (sucrose) or Splenda (sucralose). Sweeteners, real or artificial, bind to and stimulate receptors on the taste buds, which then signal the brain via the cranial nerve. Although both sugar and Splenda initiate the same taste and pleasure pathways in the brain—and the subjects could not tell the solutions apart—the sugar activated pleasure-related brain regions more extensively than the Splenda did. In particular, “the real thing, the sugar, elicits a much greater response in the insula,” says the study’s lead author, psychiatrist Guido Frank, now at the University of Colorado at Denver. The insula, involved with taste, also plays a role in enjoyment by connecting regions in the reward system that encode the sensation of pleasantness.MORE
Israeli rabbi says giraffe meat, milk are kosher
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An Israeli rabbi has declared giraffe meat and milk to be kosher, although his pronouncement is unlikely to have observant Jews clamouring to consume the exotic products, a daily reported on Friday.
"The giraffe has all the signs of a ritually pure animal, and the milk forms curds, which strengthened that view," the mass-circulation Yediot Aharonot quoted Rabbi Shlomo Mahfoud as saying. The rabbi based his ruling on a recent finding by researchers from Bar Ilan University who took a milk sample while treating a giraffe at Ramat Gan safari park near Tel Aviv. They found that the milk forms curds as required under Jewish religious law, a finding confirmed by another research institute, the daily said. MORE |
Boy Drowns Hours After Leaving Pool
(CBS/AP) A 10-year-old South Carolina boy died several hours after he swallowed water in a swimming pool at his apartment complex.
Jon Jon Jackson's stunned and grieving mother is still trying to comprehend how her son could have drowned, according to The Post and Courier of Charleston.
"I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this," Cassandra Jackson told the newspaper. "It's really bizarre."
Jon Jon was autistic, but this played no role in his death.
Goose Creek police said Jackson swallowed some water while swimming around noon Sunday. Police said he later complained he was tired and took a nap. When someone checked on him, water was coming out of his nose and he was having trouble breathing.
Alcohol cuts risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis
People who drink alcohol are less prone to the sometimes crippling disease called rheumatoid arthritis compared with non-drinkers, according to a Scandinavian study published on Wednesday.
People who had a moderatealcohol consumption were 40 and 45 percent less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis compared with people who did not drink or drank only occasionally, it found.
Among those who had a high consumption, the risk was reduced by 50 and 55 percent respectively.
Most surprising was that the biggest benefits were seen among smokers with a genetic profile known to make them vulnerable to the disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects between 0.5 and one percent of people, according to figures for the industrialised world.
It happens when the immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammation and damage to the cartilage and bone.
A mixture of environmental factors, especially smoking, and genetic heritage are the deemed causes of the disease.
Read More...Is Ted Kennedy’s Cancer Linked to Cell Phone Use?
Is Ted Kennedy’s Cancer Linked to Cell Phone Use? | ||
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Senator Ted Kennedy’s diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor is, once again, stirring debate over the safety of cell phones. Kennedy’s brain tumor, called a glioma, is the type critics have associated for years with the use of cell phones. MORE |
New hints seen that red wine may slow aging
Red wine may be much more potent than was thought in extending human lifespan, researchers say in a new report that is likely to give impetus to the rapidly growing search for longevity drugs.
The study is based on dosing mice with resveratrol, an ingredient of some red wines. Some scientists are already taking resveratrol in capsule form, but others believe it is far too early to take the drug, especially using wine as its source, until there is better data on its safety and effectiveness. More
Paul knew this fact:
Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities. |
Five Home Remedies That Really Work
Mom always had her favorite home remedies – did anyone’s mom not believe in the power of chicken soup over a cold? – and scientists have actually proven that some of mom’s favorite home remedies are as helpful as she believed. These traditional remedies, passed from mom to mom for generations, have held up to scientific scrutiny:
• Honey for coughs. Not only has honey been proven a good cough suppressant, a 2007 study indicated that honey worked better than over-the-counter cough medicines at relieving the coughs of children with upper respiratory infections.
• Cranberries for urinary problems. American Indians first discovered the ability of cranberries to fight infections and passed the remedy along to early settlers. Modern scientists have found that cranberries are unique in their ability to keep bacteria from sticking to bladder walls. A daily glass of cranberry juice or cranberry capsules reduces bladder infections, especially in women who have them often.
• Saltwater for the nose. Nasal saline irrigation, in which salt water is used to rinse the nasal passages, has long been a remedy to relieve the misery of a stuffy nose. Twenty-first century medicine has scientifically proven it to be a cheap, safe and effective remedy for clogged noses caused by sinusitis, allergies and other maladies.
• Staying warm to ward off colds. Mom always told us to bundle up in winter, but scientists always chuckled. They’ve stopped laughing since a 2005 study indicated that being cold might actually lead to developing a cold. Researchers believe that when a person’s extremities are chilled, the blood vessels in the nose narrow, limiting the amount of disease-fighting white blood cells in the nose, the body’s first defense against viruses.
• Chicken soup for colds. Mom was right on target; chicken soup really does fight the common cold. Studies show that mom’s favorite home remedy may be slightly anti-inflammatory, helping fight the worst of a cold’s symptoms. Steam from the hot soup also helps drain sinuses, prevent dehydration and calm sore throats.
source www.Newsmax.com
Chlorine in Tap Water Doubles Birth Defects
By: Sylvia Booth Hubbard
Pregnant moms who live in areas where the drinking water has high levels of chlorine almost double their risk of having babies with birth defects, including heart problems, major brain defects or a cleft palate.
The threat to unborn babies is caused by chemical by-products called trihalomethanes, or THMs, which are formed when chlorine is added to water. THMs can be absorbed through the skin and then pass into the womb. Moms can expose their babies to the dangers of chlorine by drinking tap water, bathing, or simply standing close to boiling water.
Scientists at the University of Birmingham analyzed the birth records of almost 400,000 babies. They found that anencephalus (partial or complete absence of brain and spinal cord), hole-in-the-heart, and cleft palate increased between 50 and 100 percent in areas where the drinking water was heavily chlorinated to disinfect it. The risk of urinary tract defects and Down’s syndrome was also raised.
Earlier studies have linked chlorinated water to other problems, including stillbirth, miscarriage and bladder cancer.
God and..
by Wayne Blank
- "Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees, and they camped there near the water." (Exodus 15:27) (see also Moses and Wilderness Journey)
- "So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month [see Bible Months and Bible Calendar], after you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to The Lord for seven days; the first day is a day of rest, and the eighth day also is a day of rest. On the first day you are to take choice fruit from the trees, and palm fronds, leafy branches and poplars, and rejoice before The Lord your God for seven days. Celebrate this as a festival to The Lord for seven days each year [see The Feast Of Tabernacles]. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come; celebrate it in the seventh month. Live in booths for seven days: All native-born Israelites are to live in booths so your descendants will know that I had the Israelites live in booths when I brought them out of Egypt. I am The Lord your God." So Moses announced to the Israelites the appointed feasts of The Lord." (Leviticus 23:39-44)
- "Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There The Lord showed him the whole land - from Gilead to Dan, all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the western sea [i.e. The Mediterranean Sea], The Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms [see The Fall Of Jericho and The Jordan Valley], as far as Zoar. Then The Lord [see Rock Of Ages and The Logos] said to him, "This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, 'I will give it to your descendants.' I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it." (see Heartbreak Mountain) (Deuteronomy 34:1-4)
- "On the walls all around the Temple, in both the inner and outer rooms, he carved Cherubim, palm trees and open flowers." (1 Kings 6:29) (see Solomon and Layout Of Solomon's Temple and Temples)
- "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a Cedar Of Lebanon." (Psalm 92:12) (see Christian Living, The Ten Commandments - Your Keys To Life, and What Is Sin?)
- "The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel! Jesus found a young Donkey and sat upon it, as it is written, "Do not be afraid, O Daughter of Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey's colt." (John 12:12-15)
Fact Finder: Were dates pressed into large cakes?
2 Samuel 6:19