Consumer Group Finds Carcinogen in Coke and Pepsi

PhotoNew chemical analyses have found that Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Diet Coke, and Diet Pepsi contain high levels of 4-methylimidazole (4-MI), a known animal carcinogen, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), the nonprofit watchdog group that commissioned the tests.

The carcinogen forms when ammonia or ammonia and sulfites are used to manufacture the “caramel coloring” that gives those sodas their distinctive brown colors. CSPI first petitioned the FDA to ban ammonia-sulfite caramel coloring in February 2011.

CSPI today reiterated its call to the Food and Drug Administration to revoke its authorization for caramel colorings that contain 4-MI, and in the interim to change the name of the additive to “ammonia-sulfite process caramel coloring” or “chemically modified caramel coloring” for labeling purposes.


Vermont Senate passes bill ending philosophical exemptions from school vaccination requirements

Madison Ruppert, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

The Vermont Senate recently passed a bill that is now on its way to the state House, which, if signed into law, would end the ability for parents to avoid getting their children vaccinated based on philosophical grounds.

This means that children will not be able to go to school if their parents refuse the vaccines, as they can no longer be exempt from the requirement based on parents' philosophical opposition.

No matter how you feel about vaccines, I hope that you recognize and respect the right of individuals to make the ultimate decision when it comes to their own health and the health of their children; it is a right which is becoming increasingly stripped away from the people of the United States.

The ‘All Natural’ Scam: How to Shop Healthy For You and Your Family

Andre Evans
Activist Post

How do you make an educated food purchase that will protect you and your family from harmful yet common food contaminants? You must be privy to the subtleties.

Many people today accept ‘all natural’ as a stamp of integrity for their food. FDA regulations, however, make the guidelines for authenticity rather lenient, and capitalize on the unawareness of the average buyer with strong advertising.

The average person on a base level acknowledges that there are dangerous additives like MSG and high fructose corn syrup in many products. As a result, they generally attempt to avoid these, and will instead often pick a product with an ‘all natural’ label in an effort to do so. Products that are labeled as such, however, oftentimes don’t contain many ‘natural’ ingredients.


The EndoBarrier® Gastrointestinal Liner is a breakthrough product designed to help patients regain control of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

The EndoBarrier has received European CE mark approval and is commercially available in Chile, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Austria. The EndoBarrier has received TGA approval and will soon be available in Australia.

The EndoBarrier is not approved for sale in the United States and is considered investigational. The EndoBarrier has CE mark approval in Europe and is indicated to treat patients with type 2 diabetes and/or obesity for 12 months.

Clinical trial experience to date involving more than 500 patients has demonstrated significant diabetes improvement and weight loss with the EndoBarrier during the implant period, when combined with certain diet and lifestyle modifications. In addition, while using the EndoBarrier, many patients are also able to decrease their dosage of oral anti-diabetes medications.

The EndoBarrier is implanted into the intestine and acts as a physical barrier between food and that part of the intestine wall where the EndoBarrier is present. This action delays digestion and intervenes with the body’s metabolic functions, which results in improved diabetes control and weight loss, thus mimicking the effects of gastric bypass surgery without the risks associated with surgery. The EndoBarrier is inserted endoscopically (via the mouth) and doesn’t require any surgery or incisions.

Once in place, the effects of the EndoBarrier on glucose control are rapid. It may be implanted for up to 12 months of use and has shown benefits in three-month, six-month and 12-month studies. The device is easily removed, also endoscopically, during a simple, outpatient procedure, and initial studies have demonstrated that the EndoBarrier has sustained benefits on glycemic control and weight loss up to six months post-explant.

Deadly ally in fight for life: Low doses of carbon monoxide can prevent miscarriage

Carbon monoxide is rightly feared, as inhaling too much of it is deadly. However, this lethal gas has been shown to have remarkable life-saving properties for foetuses.

Researchers from the Otto-von-Guericke University in Germany have shown that low doses of carbon monoxide can increase the growth of blood vessels in the placenta and establish blood flow in the umbilical cord.

These are both crucial factors in a baby’s health. Problems in placental function and blood flow can result in a 'small for gestational age' baby, miscarriage or perinatal death.

Unlikely help: Carbon monoxide has been shown to prevent miscarriage and perinatal death

Unlikely help: Carbon monoxide has been shown to prevent miscarriage and perinatal death

Carbon monoxide’s amazing ability is in mimicking the effects of the Heme oxygenase-1 enzyme, which promotes the growth of blood vessels in the placenta and umbilical cord blood flow.

Both miscarriage and pre-eclampsia - a rise in hypertension - are associated with low levels of HO-1 in the placenta.

The researchers used carbon monoxide on mice with unhealthily small foetuses – a condition known as Intrauterine growth restriction - and were able to restore placental function and prevent foetal death without any detrimental effects.

They found that an extended course of low dose carbon monoxide on mice was able to reduce foetal loss from 30 per cent to zero – all the babies survived.

Read more:

CDC Issues Warning About Nasal Washes

DENVER (CBS4) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Jewish Health in Colorado both have issued a warning about nasal washes after two people have died from using tap water to do their sinus rinse.

Health experts say it’s safe to use nasal washes. It’s not about the rinse, it’s about the water. They warn that a mixture from a faucet could be fatal.

Reading, writing — and sinus rinses. They’re part of the curriculum for some students at Kunsberg School at National Jewish Health. Saltwater nasal washes can help asthma and allergy sufferers. More>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Women 'have potentially endless supply of eggs'

(TELEGRAPH) — Women could have the opportunity to give birth with their own eggs later in life thanks to the discovery that they possess a potentially “unlimited” supply of them, scientists have discovered.

Their ovaries contain stem cells which can “spontaneously” generate into immature eggs in the laboratory, according to the American team.

The prevailing wisdom has been that women have a finite number of eggs, that gradually diminish in number and quality until the menopause.

But British experts said the findings, published in the journal Nature Medicine, “re-write the rule book” on this point and amounted to “a potentially landmark piece of research”.

Fasting stops dementia, heart disease?

One day in the not-so-distant future, you may find yourself receiving some unusual health advice from your GP: fast two days a week to prevent your brain shrinking with age.

You might be given the same advice to lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes — and even tackle cancer.

Fasting was a common medical treatment in the past, but now new research suggests there may be good reason for it to make a comeback. This is because it seems to trigger all sorts of healthy hormonal and metabolic changes.

Researchers have long known that cutting back animals’ calories over an extended period can make them live up to 50 per cent longer — it’s been harder to prove benefits in humans because few people can stick to this restrictive regimen.

Mild dehydration can have serious effects on health

Water levels determine how good we feel

Test results show no difference between taking a 40 minute walk or sitting at a desk. Lawrence E. Armstrong, professor of physiology at University of Connecticut, lead study researcher and hydration expert with over 20 years experience, stressed on the importance of staying hydrated throughout the day, regardless of the level of physical activity one is engaged in.

The great cereal scandal: One of Britain’s leading consumer experts reveals the shocking truth about sugary breakfast cereals

The food industry’s biggest con trick is one you’re probably falling for every day of the week. Even worse, the victims are your children.

Visit any supermarket and wander down the aisle of breakfast cereals. The message from the packets couldn’t be more encouraging.

This one is ‘the sunshine breakfast’. That one is made from ‘wholesome corn, oats, rice and wheat’. Pretty much all are ‘fortified with vitamins and minerals’. The contents of the attractive colourful boxes can form ‘part of a balanced diet’.

Health hazard? According to Which? many breakfast products are laden with so much sugar they ought to be sold alongside chocolate biscuits

Health hazard? According to Which? many breakfast products are laden with so much sugar they ought to be sold alongside chocolate biscuits

For decades, we have been sold the story that a bowl of cereal is one of the healthiest things a caring mother could feed her children every morning.

But many cereals hide a horrible secret: the large amounts of sugar the manufacturers have pumped into them.