More sex means less chance of ED for older men

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - There's new advice for older men who want to preserve their sexual function: have sex, and have it often, researchers say.

In a study that followed nearly 1,000 older Finnish men for five years, researchers found that those who were regularly having sex at the start of the study were at lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED) by the study's end.

In fact, the more often the men had sex, the lower their ED risk. MORE

Beware of New Media Brainwashing About High Fructose Corn Syrup

corn syrup, soda, childThe Corn Refiners Association is launching a major advertising and public relations campaign designed to rehabilitate the reputation of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). HFCS has been linked by many scientists to the nation's obesity epidemic.


Vaccines that can KILL YOU!

Feds target children with live flu vaccine
Formula planned for possibly millions contains virus that can spread on contact
Posted: July 07, 2008
8:03 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

The federal government plans to give children – possibly millions of them – a live influenza vaccine they could transmit to anyone with whom they come into contact.The vaccinations could start as early as a few weeks from now, and the infections could be spread for up to three weeks following the vaccinations, officials confirmed.MORE

The 10 Healthiest Beverages


If our article on America's most unhealthy drinks left you confused and thirsty, Health Magazine has assembled a list of the 10 healthiest beverages. The list is primarily based on each beverage's concentration of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are thought to neutralize free-radicals which can cause cell damage. One good rule of thumb is that fruit with a vivid color will be high in anti-oxidants. Be careful of over-consumption because many of the juices on the list contain a lot of natural sugar, so at some point you can mitigate a juice's health benefits if you drink excessive amounts. Experts recommend drinking 1 to 2 six-ounce glasses of juice a day in combination with whole fruits for optimal health benefits. The list, inside...

10. Apple juice
Clarified apple juice is thought to have less nutritional benefit than unclarified apple juice.

9. Tea
Tea is said to do everything from inhibiting bad breath to boosting the immune system.

8. Orange juice
Oranges and other citrus fruits are a rich source of Vitamin C and flavanoids.

7. Cranberry juice
Cranberries are also a good source of Vitamin C. There is research to support the myth that cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infections. It is thought to help prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall.

6. Açaí juice
Pronounced (ah-sci-ee), it is a rainforest berry that grows on palm trees the Amazon.

5. Black cherry juice
There is evidence that black cherry juice may diminish exercise-induced muscle injuries.

4. Blueberry juice
Blueberries are high in fiber and low in calories. Be the life of the party with funky blue teeth.

3. Concord grape juice
There is some research to support that grape juice is good for the heart and helps reduce blood pressure.

2. Red wine
What's better than healthy booze? Does this mean you should drink a lot of wine? No, experts recommend no more than 2 glasses a day since too much alcohol can create health problems.

1. Pomegranate juice
According to CBS, "Pomegranate is the healthiest of them all because it contains the most of every type of antioxidant. It wins in all categories. And it's thought that it might do some very good things; it may protect against some cancers, such as prostate cancer. It might also modify heart disease risk factors, and it could be healthy for your heart. So pomegranate was the clear winner. "

Pomegranate Ranked Healthiest Fruit Juice [CBS]
Pomegranate Juice is Packed With Antioxidants [Health Magazine]
Fab 4: juices that serve up a bounty of health benefits [BNet]

Wine chemical eases age-related ailments

By Sandy Kleffman

It's not exactly a fountain of youth, but a substance found in red wine, grapes and nuts can prevent many age-related problems in mice, an intriguing new study reveals.

The substance, resveratrol, led to healthier hearts, better bone density, fewer cataracts and greater motor coordination in the animals.MORE



Red Wine Increases Health

A compound in red wine may ward off a variety of medical conditions related to aging, providing heart benefits, stronger bones and preventing eye cataracts, researchers said on Thursday.

The study, involving mice fed a diet supplemented with resveratrol starting in their equivalent of middle age, is the latest to raise hope that the compound or drugs based on it may improve the health of people.

Most of mice given resveratrol did not live longer than other mice but were far more healthy in several important measures, according to the study published in the journal Cell Metabolism.MORE


Frequent Sex, Excercise, Dairy,Nuts,Red Wine,Broccoli Prevent Prostate Cancer!

Frequent ejaculations  have been associated with a lower risk for prostate cancer. Some experts speculate that certain carcinogens may be concentrated in prostate fluid, so that frequent ejaculation helps eliminate them....A recent study, however, suggested a linear trend between red wine consumption and reduced risk of prostate cancer. In a study of over 1,400 newly diagnosed middle-aged patients with prostate cancer, researchers found that each additional glass of red wine consumed per week reduced the relative risk of prostate cancer by 6%....Research indicates that docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA), the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, may be protective against prostate cancer. Some studies have reported a lower risk for prostate cancer in men who ate fish frequently (two or more times a week). ...

What adds to your risk?

Obesity, Vasectomy, Chemicals, Higher PSA Levels,  and being black (genetics)...


Know 5 to Stay Alive



Living Well: Getting on the fasting track promises a bonus for your health

Every spring, Dr. Elson Haas supervises a group of 25 to 100 people who participate in a 10-day fasting program. He does it himself, too, a ritual he has followed since 1975.

"I was two years out of medical school, with chronic allergies and way overweight," recalled Haas by phone the other day after a day of seeing patients at his natural health clinic in Marin County, Calif. "I needed something."


Mini-fasts actually may have health benefits

Occasionally, almost everyone's had to skip a meal due to hectic schedules or certain religious practices. Going without food for a half a day usually results in nothing more than hunger pangs and maybe a little headache, all of which disappear when we chow down at the next meal.

But what happens if a mini-fast or severe calorie-reduced diet is extended for several days?

While just the thought of going without your daily mocha Frappuccino or lunchtime turkey sandwich may make your stomach growl ferociously, some medical research says short-term fasting and calorie restriction may actually be good for us.


Researchers Investigate (Horrors!) Nicotine's Potential Benefits

IN work that sounds a little like scientific blasphemy, medical researchers have begun paying increasing attention to some beneficial effects of nicotine that were first noticed in cigarette smokers.

After years of quiet discussion among scientists, hints that cigarettes can protect against some diseases or improve the outcome of others have led to growing interest in finding out why. This has focused attention on nicotine, tobacco's most active ingredient, as a potential treatment for several major health problems, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. MORE