Herbal Medicine Kills Pancreatic Cells

An herb used in traditional medicine by many Middle Eastern countries may help in the fight against pancreatic cancer, one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer at Jefferson in Philadelphia have found that thymoquinone, an extract of nigella sativa seed oil, blocked pancreatic cancer cell growth and killed the cells by enhancing the process of programmed cell death. More....

HORSE PEE or Natural Human Hormones? Which Should You Use?

Don't Laugh! If the drug companies and Uncle Sam get their way, it will be HORSE PEE!

Natural Hormones Versus Synthetic

The controversy between Natural hormones and Synthetic hormones is everywhere these days  in the media, magazines, even in your doctor’s office.

But what is all the fuss about?

What is the real difference between natural and synthetic?

The first thing to realize is that when we say ‘natural’ hormone, we mean that the hormone is chemically identical to the hormone we produce in our body.  It is the chemical structure of the hormone, and not its actual source, that determines it to be natural or synthetic.

For instance, natural progesterone made in a lab is identical to the progesterone made in your body  therefore it can be considered natural.

 The natural estrogens extracted from wild yams and soybeans are also identical to those made by your body. Although plants do not actually make ‘human’ hormones, there are some plants that make compounds that have very similar hormonal effect. These are generally known as phyto-hormones (or ‘plant-based’ hormones) and are easily purchased over the counter.

On the other hand, a ‘synthetic’ hormone is one with a slightly different chemical makeup from the ones found in the body, not necessarily meaning ‘created in a lab.’

Basically, it comes down to this if a hormone is found in nature or created in a lab and it is chemically identical to the hormone in your body, it is legally and technically considered natural. If it started out natural but then the structure changed (such as a lab using natural progesterone as a basis to create Provera™), then that makes it a synthetic hormone.

And here’s a news flash the closest to ‘natural’ hormone on the market is Premarin™, which is made from PREGNANT MARE URINE!!!!! 

But here’s the shocker by the time the horse’s urine is altered in the lab, it isn’t even natural to the horse!

Why even create something this revolting? Well, that’s actually pretty easy to answer drug companies have to make their synthetic hormones if they want to patent it and make massive amounts of money! A natural substance can’t be patented.

No patent  no ‘cash cow.’

Some women ask, “why all the fuss about synthetic?

I don’t care if it’s horse urine as long as it stops these hot flashes!!!”  Well, if horse urine doesn’t bother you, the side effects should!

There have been increasingly frequent complaints of breast tenderness, weight gain, breakthrough bleeding, insomnia, fluid retention, depression, and even more recently, increase in risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and pulmonary embolism.

Still not convinced?

Well, last year the NIH (National Institute of Health) abruptly stopped their major study of synthetic hormone replacement therapy after results showed an increase in the risks listed above.

Even the FDA sent out a notice (featured in the New York Times on January 9, 2003) ordering warning labels on ALL synthetic estrogens. The warning states that the drugs may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer, strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks. It also stated that they believed the risks did not outweigh the minor benefits of the hormones. 

Most of the side effects result from the fact that synthetic hormones are not chemically identical to the natural hormones in your body. Trust me, your body can tell the difference!

The facts are in, trust your body. Trust yourself because it’s your health so take charge and be educated!! 

Click on this Link for unbelievable story on Fight brewing over Horse Pee and your government at work!

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your baby

Study of 13,000 children exposes link between use of handsets and later behavioural problems


Scientists found that mothers who did use the handsets were 54 per cent more likely to have children with behavioural problems and that the likelihood increased with the amount of potential exposure to the radiation

    HMOs block key brand-name medicines to make big bucks, report says

    HMOs block key brand-name medicines to make big bucks, report says

    Single-source drugs are brand-name products with a unique chemical form that are sold by one manufacturer and have no less expensive generic equivalent.

    Sunday, May 18th 2008, 4:00 AM

    HMOs are blocking patients from getting critical single-source drugs - like Lipitor and Celebrex - to boost company profits, a new report charges.

    Single-source drugs are brand-name products with a unique chemical form that are sold by one manufacturer and have no less expensive generic equivalent. More....

    'I've fallen asleep and I can't get up!'

    You’re lying in bed, just starting to wake up, when you realize you can’t move. Your chest is heavy — like somebody’s sitting on it — and you’re overwhelmed with a feeling of dread.

    Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see something move. It’s a spider. No, two spiders. No three, four, a dozen or more. They’re big as walnuts and slowly crawling up the bed posts of your bed and onto the blankets, scuttling ever closer towards your paralyzed body.

    Sound like a cross between “Fear Factor” and “The Twilight Zone?”


    Common Chemicals Linked to Obesity


    Exposure in the womb to common chemicals used to make everything from plastic bottles to pizza box liners may program a person to become obese later in life, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.

    Their studies of mice showed animals exposed to even tiny amounts of the chemicals during development were fatter when they grew older compared with mice not exposed to the compounds, they told the 2008 European Congress on Obesity.More....

    Environmental Factors May Trigger Arthritis


    A number of environmental exposures, including trauma, are associated with the onset of inflammatory arthritis in patients with psoriasis, findings published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases indicate.

    "Psoriatic arthritis can be considered as a 'disease within a disease'," Dr. Ian N. Bruce, of the University of Manchester, UK, and colleagues write. Psoriatic arthritis is "inflammatory arthritis on a background of pre-existing or future development of psoriasis."More....

    Chewing Gum Infused with Type 2 Medicine?

    Glucose-controlling metformin, the generic drug that is the first medication that many newly diagnosed type 2s take, could soon be available in a chewing gum.
    Glucose-controlling metformin, the generic drug that is the first medication for many newly diagnosed type 2s, could soon be available in a chewing gum.

    That’s the hope held by Massachusetts-based Generex Biotechnology Corporation, which has announced that it is ready to test its proprietary metformin chewing gum product, MetControl™, on 36 volunteer patients. In the study, Generex will compare the speed and efficacy of MetControl to that of immediate-release metformin tablets.

    Metformin is the most prescribed drug for type 2 patients. Nevertheless, many people with diabetes avoid using it because of its gastrointestinal side effects, large pill size and bitter taste. These factors are especially off-putting to the increasing number of children being diagnosed with type 2.

    Generex believes that the delivery of metformin in a good-tasting chewing gum will make the drug more acceptable to these patients and thereby increase adherence with diabetes therapy.

    Because metformin is safe, well known and well established, the company does not anticipate taking as long to come to market with MetControl as it would with a product containing a new active compound. Such products typically must undergo stringent testing that can last years.

    Air Pollution Linked to Deep Vein Thrombosis


    Long-term exposure to air pollution appears to be associated with an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis, blood clots in the thigh or legs, according to a report in the May 12 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

    Exposure to particulate air pollution—very small particles of solid and liquid chemicals that come from burning fossil fuels and other sources—has been linked to the increased risk of developing or dying from heart disease and stroke, according to background information in the article. Recent studies have suggested this relationship may result at least in part from the effects of particulate air pollution on blood clotting. More...


    Lignans' prostate cancer protection gets study boost

    13-May-2008 - The lignan metabolite enterolactone may prevent the spread of prostate cancer by acting at the genetic level, suggests new research that deepens our understanding of the topic.

    An in vitro study, led by Mark McCann from AgResearch Grasslands in New Zealand, reports that enterolactone beneficially regulated several key genes, producing important effects on programmed cell death of prostate cancer cells.

    McCann, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Ulster, Belfast City Hospital, Cork Institute of Technology, and the University of Reading, reports the data in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. More...