Daily Dark Chocolate Prevents Heart Attacks


"Eat a bar of chocolate and call me in the morning." That's not exactly what patients expect to hear from their doctors, but in the future, chocolate may be prescribed to help prevent heart disease and diabetes in patients with metabolic syndrome.
Numerous studies have indicated that dark chocolate (chocolate that's at least 60 percent cocoa) is rich in heart-healthy flavonoids, but most of the studies were short-term. To see if chocolate could help prevent heart problems long-term, Australian researchers used a mathematical model to predict the health effects and cost effectiveness of eating dark chocolate daily in more than 2,000 people who were already at high risk of heart disease.

Read more: Study: Daily Dark Chocolate Prevents Heart Attacks
Important: At Risk For A Heart Attack? Find Out Now.

Feds keeping people sick: The Vitamin D story

No one said it better than Michael Crichton – who, in addition to being a best selling author, was also a physician.

During a lecture at Cal Tech, he said, “Let’s be clear: The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right. … The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.”

The medical community has always been subject to “group-think,” but in recent decades we have become the leaders. Numerous physician-scientists have been ostracized, defrocked, de-licensed and in some cases driven to self-destruction by a medical community that has embraced consensus in science.

In essence, “We don’t care about your data; we all agree you are wrong.”

Q10 Essential Vitamin found in Tobacco!

chemical structure of Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q)
chemical structure of Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you have been reading the Plain Truth or Your Health Today, you know that we have shown our readers that there are benefits of tobacco that the media and the government do not want you to know about! For example, if your doctor has you on a Statin (Lipitor for example) and not on Q10, he should be arrested! Q10 and statins are mandated in Europe! So guess where most Q10 comes from? Read on for the answer!

Coenzyme Q10 is also known as Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinone-50, ubiquinol-10, and ubidecarerone.  It belongs to a class of molecules known as ubiquinones.  The different coenzyme molecules consist of a head and a tail, each responsible for specific actions.  There are 12 different coenzymes.  The number of units on the tail designates the number of a given coenzyme.

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential cofactor involved in the electron transport chain, accepting electrons in both Complex I and Complex II.  Without Coenzyme Q10, ATP (energy), could not be made.  Coenzyme Q10 is also a potent antioxidant, primarily affecting the mitochondria and cell membranes.  Like Vitamin E and Vitamin A, CoQ10 is also a lipid soluble anti-oxidant.  This ubiquinone protects the cell membrane and other components of the cell against lipid peroxidation.

Coenzymes occur in the majority of aerobic (oxygen using) bacteria, plants, and animals.  Coenzyme Q10 is the most prominent form in humans.  It is biosynthesized by the human body in the liver.  Interestingly, the pathway used to create Coenzyme Q10 is also the pathway used to make cholesterol.

Coenzyme Q10 is absorbed in the small intestine.  Only 40% of ingested Coenzyme Q10 is absorbed and used by the human body. Once it enters the blood the different cholesterol molecules, LDL, HDL, and VLDL, provide carriers for its movement throughout the body.  Because it is bound to cholesterol, any unabsorbed Coenzyme Q10 is excreted in the bile.

Coenzyme Q10 is believed to be cardioprotective, cytoprotective, and neuroprotective. It is an anti-oxidant and an important metabolic cofactor for the production of energy.

The main sources of supplemental Coenzyme Q10 are tobacco leaf extracts, and fermented beet and sugar cane. [1]  There are no therapeutic dosages of Coenzyme Q10 available from any food source.  Additionally, tthe amount of Coenzyme Q10 made by the human body does not meet the dosages for therapeutic value in the treatments of chronic disease.

Coenzyme Q10 is an effective adjunct treatment for various conditions of the cardiovascular system.  Its most well recognized and studied uses lie within the conditions of congestive heart failure, hypertension, and angina.
  • For individuals with congestive heart failure, Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to increase the quality of life.  In study, CoQ10 has yielded improvements in the common symptoms of congestive heart failure such as; cyanosis, edema, breathing abnormalities, enlarged liver, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, sweating, insomnia, vertigo, and arrhythmias. [2]  Coenzyme Q10 was also able to increase the exercise capacity in individuals with heart failure. [3]
  • Coenzyme Q10 may improves symptoms in patients with high blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse, and angina.  Studies have documented reduction in the amounts of medications needed by individuals with those conditions. [4]
  • Coenzyme Q10 is also protective against the development of atherosclerosis, by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL [1] and by increasing HDL levels. [5]  Coenzyme Q10 has also been shown to reduce the number of cardiac events following a heart attack, including the development of atherosclerosis. [5]
  • Coenzyme Q10 may be an effective addition to any cancer treatment protocol. Numerous studies have highlighted its ability to decrease the cardiac toxicity of a popular anti-cancer drug, doxorubicin; also known as Adriamycin. [6] Doxorubicin is an anthracycline antibiotic that is commonly used  for leukemia and lymphoma, but is very toxic to heart tissue.
  • There are also reports that Coenzyme Q10 may be a useful adjunctive treatment for individuals with breast cancer.  However, more studies are needed to confirm this preliminary finding.  Coenzyme Q10 can reduce oxidative stress via its anti-oxidant action.  It is theorized that by reducing oxidative stress, CoQ10 can protect against cardiovascular and neurological disease; among the many other conditions that may be related to free radical damage and oxidative stress. [7]
  • Coenzyme Q10 can be helpful for individuals with early onset Parkinson's disease.  It may slow the progression of disease and deterioration of cognitive function. [9] In one particular controlled study, individuals taking Coenzyme Q10 had less disability over time than those not taking Coenzyme Q10.  Supplemental CoQ10 was well tolerated with few side effects in very high doses.
  • Individuals with Type II diabetes may benefit from taking Coenzyme Q10 as well.  Marked improvements in glycemic control caused by CoQ10's ability to positively affecting Hemoglobin A1C levels have been noted.  It has also been effective at lowering the blood pressure of individuals with Type II diabetes. [8] However, CoQ10 is not thought to be effective in controlling the glycemic response of those people with Type I diabetes.
  • Coenzyme Q10 can effectively lower blood pressure in both essential hypertension (not caused by another disease) and secondary hypertension (caused by another disease). [10]
  • Coenzyme Q10 may improve exercise performance and recovery. [11]  It may be helpful for individuals with high endurance sports activities such as swimming, marathon runners, and cyclists.
  • Topical Coenzyme Q10 can be an effective treatment alone, or in combination with non-surgical therapy for peridontitis.  It has been shown to improve symptoms of the disease and reduce the progression. [12]  Topical CoQ10 creams are also becoming popular in many cosmetic formulations.

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Fluoride Removal Victory in New York

Activist Post

Pulaski, New York may be a small town of just 2,400 residents, but it has now added itself to the list of more than 130 communities across the country that have banned the addition of fluoride to their water supply.

While not all fluoride is bad, the type that has been promoted by dentistry and added to our water and food supply beginning in the 1940s certainly is. Calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, while its synthetic counterpart, sodium fluoride (silicofluoride), is an industrial-grade hazardous waste material made during the production of fertilizer. Its past history includes patented use as rat poison and insecticide. There are many blind- and double-blind studies that show sodium fluoride has a cumulative effect on the human body leading to allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, bone weakening, cancer, and neurological problems, while actually damaging tooth enamel if consumed in high enough quantities. The chart below illustrates that dental fluorosis rates have only risen over the 60 years since its addition to dental products, food and water.

source: Fluoride Action Network

As people have become more aware of the dangers of the toxic effects of excessive fluoride exposure, activist pressure has forced its removal in many locations. However, in the case of Pulaski, NY, it was was not due to public outrage; it was a well-informed water board chaired by Mike Sacco who voted to pull the plug on exposing the community to fluoride's harmful effects.

Cat parasite toxoplasma uses 'Trojan horse' to infect human brain and may cause suicidal thoughts and risk-taking

life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii
life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A food-borne parasite that infects domestic cats can get inside the human brain by commandeering special cells of the immune system which it uses as a Trojan horse to enter the central nervous system, a study has found.

Scientists believe they have finally discovered the mechanism that allows Toxoplasma gondii – a single-celled parasite – to pass from the human gut to the brain where it may cause behavioural changes.

Researchers have shown that the parasite can infect the dendritic white blood cells of the immune system causing them to secrete a chemical neurotransmitter that allows the infected cells, and the parasite, to cross the natural barrier protecting the brain.

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From Tomb To Table: Cumin's Health Benefits Rediscovered

Sayer Ji, Contributor
Activist Post

Traded along spice routes separating ancient cultures by vast distances, spices like cumin were once worth their weight in gold. Has modern science now revealed why, beyond their remarkable aesthetic value, they were so highly prized?

Many spices are perfectly happy living a charmed life as seasonings, peppering things generously with flavor, and without ever arousing the suspicion that they may be capable of profound acts of healing, as well.

Meet cumin, a member of the parsley family, which is to say from a well-known family of healers native to the central Mediterranean region (southern Italy, Algeria and Tunisia).

Cumin's traditional use stretches back into prehistory, as evidenced by its presence in Egyptian tombs. The Greeks actually used it much like we use pepper today, keeping cumin at the dining table in its own container, which is still practiced by Moroccans to this day. It is also been used for millennia in India as a traditional ingredient of curry.

Cheerios Removes App During Fury of Anti-GMO Backlash

Heather Callaghan
Activist Post

Cheerios just faced a humiliating public relations failure thanks to the undiscriminating nature of free speech through social media.

Just a few days ago, Cheerios (General Mills) released an app on Facebook asking 'fans' to gratefully show what Cheerios means to them. Users could write their own sentiments by placing Cheerios' iconic black font over a yellow template, complete with little cheerios for periods and dots.

The app was yanked after only one day when their Facebook page (and photo album associated with the app) was flooded with a torrent of anti-GMO messages from angry consumers.

You could literally spend all day looking at 'Recent Posts by Others' on Cheerios' Facebook page - they are nearly all complaints about GMOs and declarations of boycotts.

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Tap Water Chemical Dichlorophenol Linked With Food Allergies: Study

Common food allergies in children
Common food allergies in children (Photo credit: Adams999)
A chemical used in tap water chlorination and pesticides for produce has been associated with increased risk of food allergies, according to a new study in the journal Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

Researchers found that people with the highest levels of dichlorophenols in their urine also have higher odds of having a food allergy.

However, the researchers cautioned that the findings don't mean that people should stop
drinking tap water so that they don't have dichlorophenols in their systems -- rather, the dichlorophenols probably come from pesticide-treated fruits and vegetables.

The findings are based on 10,348 people who participated in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2005 and 2006. Of those people, 2,548 had detectable levels of dichlorophenols in their urine, and of those people, 2,211 were actually used for the study.
Of those 2,211 people, 411 had food allergies, while 1,016 of them had some sort of environmental allergy, researchers found.

"High urine levels of dichlorophenols are associated with the presence of sensitization to foods in a US population," the researchers wrote. "Excessive use of dichlorophenols may contribute to the increasing incidence of food allergies in westernized societies."
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