New laser to make stretch marks vanish with minimal pain and downtime

A new laser therapy that bores microscopic holes in the skin is being touted as a way to erase stretch marks on the stomach, thighs and breasts, with minimal pain and downtime. 

The Icon system is the first treatment for the common form of scarring to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

All scars are notoriously difficult to treat, yet exceedingly common; most people have at least one.

The laser treatment bores microscopic holes in the skin and being touted as a way to erase stretch marks on stomach, thighs and breasts
The laser treatment bores microscopic holes in the skin and being touted as a way to erase stretch marks on stomach, thighs and breasts

And stretch marks are estimated to affect up to 90 per cent of women during pregnancy.
Icon has a fractional laser that uses heat to create microscopic channels deep within the skin, while leaving the surface almost untouched.

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A Better Prostate Cancer Test Is Here

Until recently, the PSA test for prostate cancer had been a routine part of every middle age man’s physical. But it has fallen out of favor as doctors realized the PSA was leading many men to have needless and painful prostate biopsies and unnecessary cancer treatments.
In fact, major medical groups have stopped recommending routine PSA testing for most men.

But now a better prostate cancer test has become available to help address the problem.

It’s called the 4Kscore Test.

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How aspirin could boost fertility:

National Institutes of Health logo
National Institutes of Health logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Taking aspirin could increase a woman’s fertility, new research suggests.

U.S. scientists found low doses of the drug could improve the chances of conception and of having a live birth.
But, contrary to popular belief, they discovered taking the drug does not prevent miscarriage.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health say many doctors prescribe low doses of aspirin to women who have had a miscarriage or stillbirth and who want to conceive again.

However, they say the effectiveness of this treatment had not been proven.

So, they randomly assigned more than 1,000 women with a history of pregnancy loss either a low dose of aspirin daily or a placebo.

They then followed them for six months while they tried to conceive.

The researchers found there was no difference in the pregnancy loss rates between the two groups.

But, they did find that women who had experience a single, recent pregnancy loss had an increased rate of pregnancy and live birth while taking a daily aspirin tablet.

These women were classed as those who had lost a baby before four and a half months gestation within the past year.

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