First of all, if you’re not sure what the word “moderation” means, we
can wait while you look it up in a dictionary. OK, got it? Great. So
here we go: believe it or not, drinking
alcohol in moderation has
genuine, medically
researched health benefits. If you’re an alcoholic,
you need to find some other way to help fight
cholesterol or boost your
brainpower. But if you are an adult and enjoy having an evening glass of
pinot noir, check out these seven surprising benefits of drinking

Nutritionists, physicians, and Americans who love pastries have all
pondered why there is a low level of coronary heart disease in France,
even though the French diet is high in saturated fats. Aside from the
fact that the French take vacations while Americans run themselves into the ground,
research indicates the antioxidants in red wine, a staple of French
meals, promote good cholesterol while reducing bad cholesterol, which
helps to prevent clogged arteries. To enjoy this benefit, women should
have just one glass of wine a day, while men can have two. (And everyone
should take more time off!)

Physicians want people to keep in mind that you can get the same
health benefits that come with moderate alcohol consumption from other
food items. That said, a recent study
indicates that with women, alcohol may stimulate the body to release
insulin and other substances, preventing sudden increases in blood sugar
which can lead to type 2 diabetes. Previous research made this same
connection, but more detailed studies need to be done to determine more
precisely how alcohol helps to control spikes in blood sugar.

Wine creates good cholesterol, which in turn improves blood flow to
the brain. Researchers believe that moderate drinking may also dilate
vessels in your brain, creating cerebral blood flow, and fight against
toxic proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other types of
dementia. It’s also believed that alcohol creates a manageable amount of
stress on brain cells, which helps them to cope with more significant
stress that can lead to dementia.