The Plain Truth About Your Government and Your Food!

By Robert R. Barney

It is hard for us to believe today, but much of the junk that we have been fed to us  for food and fed to our minds has done more to destroy the American way of life than any other single factor. We are a nation plagued by disease. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer and every kind of unimaginable malady has destroyed millions of lives. Our leaders have blamed tobacco, booze and even the fat in your diet, but they have lied about almost everything!  We are consuming deadly foods, that are promoted as being “healthy” and we are paying the cost today in higher insurance bills and medicines.


Major studies have linked corn syrup with type 2 diabetes. Food manufacturers have in the last thirty years replaced most cane and beet sugar with federally subsidized corn syrup, a sweetener that many experts claim your body just can’t digest.


My father and brother worked for the world’s largest food ingredient company for most of their lives, and I learned first hand the dangers of the additives that are being put in our foods. MSG and other chemicals are known to cause cancer. My brother jokes to this day how he worked with many of the same ingredients that I do and I manufacture automotive paint! Almost every raw ingredient that he worked with required MSDS Sheets (Material Safety Data Sheets). It’s incredible that we are being fed products which would kill us if we were to consume them by themselves.


In 1929, Dr. J.E. Crewe with the Mayo Foundation (now the Mayo Clinic) reported "uniformly excellent" success using raw milk in treatment programs for high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes, kidney disease, prostate problems and tuberculosis. He later stated that the only problem with using raw milk to treat these ailments was that it was too simple. As such, it didn't appeal to the medical profession. Only raw milk seemed to be of benefit. Pasteurized forms seemed to make most conditions worse. ( ).



In England — Some data just released by the Medical Research Council (MRC) should create some interesting controversy among medical circles during the next several months. Peter Elwood, director of the Epidemiology Unit at Landough Hospital in Penarth, South Glamorgan, dropped a bombshell. His ongoing life-style study of 5000 men produced some startling and very unpopular findings. He discovered that men who drank the most full-fat milk and ate butter (rather than margarine) had a lower risk of suffering from heart attacks! (New Scientist 1991; 129(1759):17)


Elwood's study collected data on 5,000 British men between the ages of 45 and 59 for a period of 10 years. Of those that drank at least a pint of whole milk a day, only 1% suffered heart attacks! Some researchers are already claiming the difference is due to a healthier life-style on the part of the milk and butter consumers. Others, however, think that milk and butter may have some yet undiscovered benefits.


      So what do our medical experts tell us? Raw Milk, whole milk and high fat animal products are bad for us, when the research evidence does not point that out. Research is pointing towards processed refined foods as the number one killer of Americans today. We are told to take vitamins, for example to make up for our poor diets. What is not being told to us is that 90% of all Vitamin C is made IN CHINA! Are you happy knowing that? Yet, by buying whole raw foods, unpasteurized  orange juice and apple cider, we can get all the vitamins that we really need.             Why? Why is our own government lying to us? Like everything else, it is all about the dollar. Large monopolies have taken over every aspect of American business. We no longer have family farms; we have mega farms owned by large corporations. These large corporations don’t have the ability to produce good wholesome foods. They can only produce foods that last for weeks without rotting. How can they do this? They do it by pasteurization, radiation and chemical preservatives. Their lobbyist makes sure that that our government protects them. This is the real reason why milk is pasteurized! Have you ever drunk raw milk? If you have, you would never want the homogenized cooked 1% stuff you are drinking today! So the large food companies have laws past to outlaw good healthy wholesome foods.             It’s time to wake up and become familiar with what foods you should be consuming. I am a product of the fast food world of easy living. I have all the maladies that go along with today’s foods. I am trying to do something about it. It is very hard to do because our own government is in bed with companies trying to feed us chemical trash, which is taking away the very essence of health in America.             The Plain Truth is dedicated to bring as much accurate information as possible.  

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